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Air quality (emissions) monitoringOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore01231
Air quality monitoring on an airshed and site specific basisHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore22240
Anticipating areas of high seismic impedanceOTMSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore23000
Assess coastal environment for infrastructure planningHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore31421
Assess and map forest fire risk and provide situational awareness of fire occurrenceHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of environmentally sensitive areason-shore12221
Assess fragmentation of natural habitat and cumulative disturbanceHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore33322
Assess forest characteristics to plan access and assess hazardsHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore24221
Assessing ground deformation to support enhanced recovery operationsHatfieldSubsidence monitoringReservoir managementon-shore01142
Assess habitat for key species for environmental baseline and/or impact assessmentHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore23411
Assess and manage forest fire risk to facilities and infrastructureHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore04442
Assess potential project site for historical useHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore10433
Assessing the social impact of construction workOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore44444
Assessing terrain stability for infrastructure planning in permafrost environmentsHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore22340
Assessment of duricrusts and rock excavabilityHatfieldSurface geology mappingEngineering geological evaluationon-shore12311
Assessment of infrastructure placement and effects to the surrounding environmentHatfieldSubsidence monitoringInfrastructure monitoringon-shore22440
Avoiding aerial mapping restrictionsOTMLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore11111
Baseline elevation data for project planning and designHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore13312
Baseline imagery for project planning and designHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roads      
Baseline and monitoring of areas with active faults and subsidenceHatfieldSubsidence monitoringLand motion relating to fault lines or other causeson-shore23332
Change detection of coastline migrationOTMEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore10300
Change detection for competitive intelligenceOTMLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore33400
Characterisation of surface/near-surface structural geological properties for infrastructure planningHatfieldSurface geology mappingEngineering geological evaluationon-shore12311
Coastal elevation data for tsunami risk analysisHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore04440
Coastal morphologyCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore00400
Coastal resource mapping of mangroves, coral-reefs, wetlands and sandbanksC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore11111
Coastal sediment dynamics, estuarine fronts and land-ocean interactionsC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore01110
Coastal upwellingC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore11111
Commercial and recreational fisheriesC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore22222
Commercial shippingC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore20000
Convective downburstsC-COREMetocean off-shore13132
Creating an ecosystem inventory prior to explorationOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore34000
Creating basemaps in politically sensitive regionsOTMLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore22000
Current at depth observationsC-COREMetocean off-shore24343
Detecting ecosystem damagesOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore02244
Detecting hydrocarbon leaksOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore00132
Detection and monitoring of pollutant dischargesC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore13333
Detection of oil contamination and oil seepsHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore30040
Detection of unexpected methane leakage on a regional basisHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore23340
Determine historical ground movement for infrastructure planningOTMSubsidence monitoringInfrastructure monitoringon-shore33301
Determine historical ground movement for pipeline routingOTMSubsidence monitoringInfrastructure monitoringon-shore31100
Distribution and abundance of marine animalsC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore33333
Distribution and abundance of sea birdsC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore33331
Drilling survey preparation: Environmental conditionsCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore00400
Drilling survey preparation: Metocean conditions hindcast and forecastCLSMetocean off-shore04000
Early identification of potential hydrocarbon basinsOTMSurface geology mappingMapping geological featureson-shore43100
Ecosystem valuation of potential sitesOTMEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore42000
Efficiency of vessels and helicopters operationsCLSMetocean off-shore00040
Enabling survey to understand structural properties of the sub-surface for infrastructure planningOTMSurface geology mappingEngineering geological evaluationon-shore22311
Environmental conditionsCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore40000
Environmental monitoringCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore00004
Estimating ground bearing capacityOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore32311
Estimation of the climate change impactCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore00400
Evaluation of the efficiency of the structureCLSMetocean off-shore00400
FiremappingOTMLogistics planning and operationsSupport to surveying crews for planning surveys and H&Son-shore33333
Fish and fish habitatC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore33333
Flagging environmentally sensitive areas prior to seismic surveysOTMSeismic planningIdentification of environmentally sensitive areason-shore24000
Floodplain mappingOTMEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore02222
Floodplain mapping and understanding flood extent and flood frequencyHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore14431
Forecasting landslide locationsOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore32400
Forecasting river migration patternsOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore32400
Forecasting sand dune migrationOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore21323
Funnel-clouds and waterspoutsC-COREMetocean off-shore13132
Geohazard exposure analysisOTMEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore40000
Geological and terrain base maps for development of environmental baselineOTMEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore22000
Global requirements on EO productsCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore11111
HailC-COREMetocean off-shore12121
Historic metocean data for high level risk assessmentCLSMetoceanRisk assessmentoff-shore40000
Historic records of currents at depthC-COREMetocean off-shore34434
Historical records for surface currentsC-COREMetocean off-shore34433
Historic records for wavesC-COREMetocean off-shore34433
Historic records for windsC-COREMetocean off-shore33444
Historic tropical storm/tropical cyclone probability and tracksC-COREMetocean off-shore24343
Hurricane tracksCLSMetocean off-shore04000
Ice accretionC-COREMetocean off-shore23342
Identification of archaeological or burial sitesOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore24322
Identification of cultural heritage and archaeological assessmentHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore24400
Identification of fault linesOTMSurface geology mappingStructural interpretationon-shore44010
Identification of ground-water table to reduce potential issues during seismic activityHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore03222
Identification of problem soilsHatfieldSurface geology mappingEngineering geological evaluationon-shore12321
Identification of road or track for logistics planningOTMLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore12412
Identification of seasonal environment changes e.g. migration patternsOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore12222
Identification of seasonal obstructions to logistics activitiesOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore22311
Identification of slope instabilityHatfieldSurface geology mappingEngineering geological evaluationon-shore12321
Identify areas with soft sediments to avoid strong attenuationHatfieldSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore13211
Identify areas with soft sediments to plan access and assess hazardsHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore24222
Identify claypan surfaces to be avoidedHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore23221
Identify communication between producing zonesOTMSubsidence monitoringReservoir managementon-shore00020
Identify causes of geological movementOTMSurface geology mappingStructural interpretationon-shore33020
Identify discreet lithologyHatfieldSurface geology mappingLithological discriminationon-shore13210
Identify geohazards and landscape change ratesHatfieldSurface geology mappingTerrain evaluation and geo-morphology characterisationon-shore13310
Identify geological structure through landformHatfieldSurface geology mappingStructural interpretationon-shore13210
Identify geophysical properties of the sub-surfaceHatfieldSurface geology mappingEngineering geological evaluationon-shore13320
Identify ice thickness and status for travel safetyHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore13111
Identify lake, river and coastal ice grounding status for data qualityHatfieldSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore13211
Identify land parcel boundaries for impact compensationHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore13111
Identify optimal seasonal land-use to reduce permit costs - commercial and subsistence practicesHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore13111
Identify permafrost zone for data analysisHatfieldSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore23111
Identify restricted areas that must be avoidedHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore13111
Identify rivers, lakes and wet areas to apply safe set-back distancesHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore24222
Identify rock-strewn areas to point loadingHatfieldSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore13211
Identify sabkahs / salt-lake areasHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore13111
Identify sensitive habitat to minimise and manage impacts of activitiesHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of environmentally sensitive areason-shore13321
Identify soft ground to reduce environmental impactsHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore13111
Identify sub-surface infrastructure for planning of pipeline crossingsHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore00422
Identify steep slopes to assess potential constraints to accessHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore24221
Identify steep slopes to assess potential constraints to access in forested areasHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore24221
Identify soft and hard ground as areas of potentially poor couplingHatfieldSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore23211
Identify up-to-date general land-use patterns to plan access and apply safe set-back distancesHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore24211
Identify UXO related hazardsHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore13111
Identifying conflicting sources of seismic signalsOTMSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore24000
Identifying effect of fault line reactivationOTMSubsidence monitoringLand motion relating to fault lines or other causeson-shore 0032
Identifying existing linear routes for co-location of pipelines in wilderness areasHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore13300
Identifying existing O&G infrastructure for facility site selectionOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore22311
Identifying ground conditions susceptible to poor couplingOTMSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore23000
Identifying munitions debris (UOX)OTMSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore34334
Identifying near surface infrastructureOTMLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore34303
Identifying potential hydrocarbon seepageOTMSurface geology mappingLithological discriminationon-shore43100
Identifying seasonal terrain changes eg for accessOTMSurface geology mappingTerrain evaluation and geo-morphology characterisationon-shore23000
Identifying soft ground for seismic vehiclesOTMSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore22000
Identifying sources of building resourcesOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore44211
Identifying steep terrain for seismic vehiclesOTMSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore23000
Identifying unregulated overhead power linesOTMLogistics planning and operationsSupport to surveying crews for planning surveys and H&Son-shore02202
Identifying variations in trafficability for seismic vehiclesOTMSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore23000
Information on presence and abundance of deep water faunaC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore43333
Information on the intertidal and shallow marine environmentC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore11111
Inputs for numerical modelCLSMetocean off-shore40000
Land cover and land use for environmental baseline and/or impact assessmentHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore02442
Land use mapping to detect the social impact of O&G developmentsOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore11231
LightningC-COREMetocean off-shore13132
Linement mappingHatfieldSurface geology mappingMapping geological featureson-shore13210
Locating repeater stations for communications infrastructureOTMLogistics planning and operationsSupport to surveying crews for planning surveys and H&Son-shore24313
Logistics planning for emergency eventsOTMLogistics planning and operationsSupport to surveying crews for planning surveys and H&Son-shore33333
Management of surface impacts due to ground deformation from operationsHatfieldSubsidence monitoringInfrastructure monitoringon-shore21142
Map coastal habitat and built environment/settlement sensitivity to strengthen tactical oil spill response and preparednessHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore11343
Map and monitor induced seismic hazardsHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore23342
Mapping of environmental degradation (change)OTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore02444
Mapping of forest extent and quality for environmental baseline and/or impact assessmentHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore12422
Mapping land cover trends over the project areaHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore31323
Metocean forecast to avoid downtimeCLSMetocean off-shore00400
Metocean monitoringCLSMetocean off-shore00005
Model validationCLSMetocean off-shore40000
Monitoring air quality related to seasonal firesHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore03330
Monitoring assets for risk managementHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsSupport to surveying crews for planning surveys and H&Son-shore02343
Monitoring carbon capture storage reservoir leaksHatfieldSubsidence monitoringReservoir managementon-shore22233
Monitoring effectiveness of steam assisted gravity drainage operationsHatfieldSubsidence monitoringReservoir managementon-shore12243
Monitoring flash floodsOTMEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore13011
Monitoring ground movement along pipelinesOTMSubsidence monitoringInfrastructure monitoringon-shore00243
Monitoring hydrocarbon leaksOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore00040
Monitor induced access corridors to assess indirect impact or effects as a result of project developmentHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore02443
Monitoring chlorophyl-a productivity and harmful algal blooms (HAB)C-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore33333
Monitoring lake and wetlands levels and recharge rates following water use for exploration/operationsHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore13332
Monitoring landfall site recovery and coastal vegetationC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore11111
Monitoring local communities and land use in the project areaHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore13343
Monitor on-shore pipeline right-of-way to evaluate successions of vegetation communitiesHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore10232
Monitor pipeline corridor hazardsHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore00442
Monitoring of pipeline right-of-way for third-party mechanical damageHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore00040
Monitor potential pipeline corridor encroachment by communitiesHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore30342
Monitoring waste management practicesC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore01111
Monitoring pipeline stability in discontinuous permafrostHatfieldSubsidence monitoringInfrastructure monitoringon-shore32340
Monitoring water discharge/drill cuttingsCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore04000
Monitoring of water quality / turbidity during operationsCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore00400
Monitoring natural fault movementOTMSubsidence monitoringLand motion relating to fault lines or other causeson-shore00020
Monitoring re-vegetationOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore00124
Monitor stability of surface reservoirs such as settling pondsHatfieldSubsidence monitoringInfrastructure monitoringon-shore21143
Natural and other existing oil seepsC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore33333
Obtaining baseline land use for pipeline route planningHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore12412
Obtaining detailed terrain mapping for DEM correctionOTMSurface geology mappingTerrain evaluation and geo-morphology characterisationon-shore34313
Planning and assessing borrow pits as source of aggregate materialHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore01312
Planning around protected sitesOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore22202
Planning bridging through a tropical forestHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of adverse terrain for trafficabilityon-shore13111
Planning heliports, camps and drop-zones in forested areasHatfieldSeismic planningIdentification of environmentally sensitive areason-shore12211
Planning secondary surveysOTMLogistics planning and operationsSupport to surveying crews for planning surveys and H&Son-shore32200
Pollution monitoringCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore00040
Pre-licensing site selectionOTMEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore40000
Recommendation for the design of infrastructureCLSMetocean off-shore00400
Reconnaissance survey for EIAOTMEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore23200
Regulatory verification relating to injection of fracking fluidsOTMSubsidence monitoringReservoir managementon-shore03330
Remediation and reclamation monitoringHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore31234
Remediation monitoring related to agriculture impactsHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore03333
Remote supervision of operationsOTMLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore44444
Resettlement assessmentOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore40200
Safety of marine operationsCLSMetocean off-shore00040
SAR imagery to detect ships and icebergsCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore00040
Scientific independence in environmental monitoring of pollutionC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore03333
Sea levelC-COREMetocean off-shore13443
Sea surface temperaturesC-COREMetocean off-shore11221
Security and safetyC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore03333
Security of pipelinesOTMLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore00140
Seismic survey current velocitiesCLSMetocean off-shore04000
Seismic survey sound propagation propertiesCLSMetocean off-shore04000
Selection of development sitesOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore31300
Selection of the drilling rigCLSMetocean off-shore04000
Shipwrecks and other archaeological value areasC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore44000
Site monitoringCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore12222
Situational awareness information on water levels and lake extents and potential floodingHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore14432
Social baseline information to support compensation and/or resettlementHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore02432
SquallsC-COREMetocean off-shore13342
Submarine landslides and seabed stabilityC-COREEnvironmental monitoring off-shore33400
Subsidence from reservoir draw-downOTMSubsidence monitoringReservoir managementon-shore00020
Surface current observationsC-COREMetocean off-shore24343
Surface infrastructure movement relative to sub-surfaceOTMSubsidence monitoringInfrastructure monitoringon-shore01233
Technical verification relating to injection of fracking fluidsOTMSubsidence monitoringReservoir managementon-shore00030
Terrain stability for route planningHatfieldLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore32342
Tracking fluid migration in the sub-surfaceOTMSubsidence monitoringReservoir managementon-shore00131
Tracking groundwater tablesOTMSubsidence monitoringLand motion relating to fault lines or other causeson-shore02220
Tracking volume of oil storedOTMLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore00030
Tropical storm/tropical cyclone observationsC-COREMetocean off-shore24343
Understanding activity beneath the tree canopyOTMLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore44333
Understanding and predicting changes in hydrological processesHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore22432
Understand extent of lakes and wet areas for hazard assessmentHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringNatural hazard risk analysison-shore14421
Understanding hydro-geologyHatfieldSurface geology mappingMapping geological featureson-shore13322
Understanding outcrop mineralologyOTMSurface geology mappingLithological discriminationon-shore44000
Understand temporal and spatial extent of usable fish habitat to maintain acceptable levelsHatfieldEnvironmental monitoringBaseline historic mapping of environment and ecosystemson-shore11230
Understanding the near-surface for anticipating seismic signal absorption propertiesOTMSurface geology mappingLithological discriminationon-shore24000
Understanding the near-surface for explosive charge placementOTMSeismic planningAreas of poor couplingon-shore23000
Understanding security situationsOTMLogistics planning and operationsFacility siting, pipeline routing and roadson-shore02222
Urban encroachment on O&G assetsOTMLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore01231
Validating co-ordinates of old wellsOTMLogistics planning and operationsBaseline mapping of terrain and infrastructureon-shore22000
Vegetation encroachment on O&G assetsOTMLogistics planning and operationsMonitoring of assetson-shore00142
VisibilityC-COREMetocean off-shore13342
Visibility during operationsCLSEnvironmental monitoring off-shore00400
Wave observationsC-COREMetocean off-shore24343
Water quality monitoringOTMEnvironmental monitoringContinuous monitoring of changes throughout the lifecycleon-shore00033
Wind observationsC-COREMetocean off-shore24343

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