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This page shows the taxonomy structure of the EO services organised thematically. There are 6 classes of service as shown on the tabs. Each class contains a number of thematic sectors into which the EO services are grouped.

  • Thematic Sector: this is the classification of the grouped EO services.
  • Client view: These are each EO service described as a client may wish.
  • Key-words: these define the products which can make up an EO service.
Content Block
Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Thematic Sector

EO Services



Assess Environmental impact of farming


Assess crop damage due to storms

bad weather, impact on crops

Monitor crops

crop health (disease and stress), crop acreage and yield harvest (inventories / statistics), crop types (extent, growth, health, stress), crop yields

Detect illegal or undesired crops

illegal crops

Monitor water use on crops and horticulture

soil water index, surface soil moisture, run-off


Assess Deforestation / Forest Degradation

deforestation, degradation maps

Assess forest damage due to storms or insects

storm, insect damage impact maps

Monitor forest resources

forest biomass (diversity, health, extent), forest type, forest classification (cover density), tree cover density (canopy coverage)

Detect illegal forest activities

illicit logging

Assess environmental impact of forestry

forest location, extent and tree cover density

Monitor forest carbon contentemissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)

Inland Water

Assess and monitor water bodies   

water quality, pollution, turbidity, suspended sediment concentrations (quantitative, qualitative), waterbody (temperature, extent, volume, quantity), algal blooms

Assess ground water and run-off

water run-off (water quantity), hydrological network and catchment areas (water catchment)

Monitor ice on rivers and lakes

inland ice

Snow & Ice

Detect changes in glaciers


Monitor snow cover

snow cover

Land Ecosystems

Monitor land ecosystems and biodiversity

critical habitat maps, wildlife corridors, linear features (hedges and boundaries, vegetation index (FAPAR; NDVI, LAI), vegetation stress, stem volume, soil moisture

Assess environmental impact of human activities

environmental assessment

Monitor land pollution


Monitor land cover and detect change 

arid areas, wet areas, erosion potential, CORINE (characterization & classification), soil sealing

Land use

Detect illegal mining activities

illicit mining

Assess land value, ownership, type, use

land accounting (use, parcels), cadastral, land use & quality

Measure land use statistics

land administration, land use studies

Monitor humanitarian movement and camps

monitoring of settlements

Assess pressures on populations and migration

population pressures / migration

Monitor vegetation encroachment

mapping of terrain, infrastructure and operations, pipeline corridor status, encroachment 


Baseline mapping 

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), Digital Surface Model (DSM), Digital Terrain Model (DTM), terrain roughness measure, slope stability (curvature, aspect), surface deformation maps and profiles

Measure and detect land surface change

surface movement: sand dunes, pipeline routes (corridor status), soil erosion

Detect and monitor ground movement 

reservoir compartmentalization & optimization, permafrost zone stability, ground displacement: fault identification, reactivation & discontinuities, uplift, subsidence, heave.


Map geological features

near surface features, lithology features, linear disturbance features:  faults & discontinuities

Map seismic survey operations

seismic (survey, coupling, logistics)

Monitor mineral extraction

mineral workings / ground surface, illegal activities

Identify hydrocarbon seeps in soil 

hydrocarbon seepage (oil seeps) detection (near surface geology: faults, fractures, unconformities or carrier beds)

Content Block
nameBuilt Environment
Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Thematic Area

EO Service


Monitor built environment

Monitor urban areas

Observation, identification, mapping, assessment and monitoring of urban areas and their dynamics at a range of spatial and temporal resolutions. Digital imaging processing methods such basic thresholding, unsupervised classification or products such urban heat island, impervious surfaces, land use change (residential, commercial, other), building density (3D city modelling), high photovoltaic penetration at the urban scale..

Monitor urban surroundings

Understanding human settlements on the outskirts and near rural areas. Mapping and evolution characterization of human interactions (environmental, population and habitat fragmentation, soil sealing and socio-economic) of rural areas and surroundings, urban sprawl, green urban areas.

Monitor urban green and blue areas

Monitor green and blue urban areas (in relation to urban form, energy use and carbon emissions). It is about the estimation of urban energy fluxes at a neighbourhood scale (urban energy balance) using land cover, Digital Surface Models (DSM), surface roughness parameters (such as plan area index, frontal area index, roughness length and zero-displacement height), urban ecosystem restoration, urban heat island effect, green corridors, garden monitors.

Monitor construction and buildings

Construction site surveying and progress mapping, comprising surrounding ground as well as displacements of key components of such structures. There is a need for Near Real Time (NRT) data delivery and measuring stress.

Monitor  infrastructure & installations

Assess damage from industrial accidents

Assess structural integrity of the infrastructure, site suitability and vulnerability. Connection with disaster risk reduction (emergency response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction).

Asset infrastructure monitoring

Industrial activity assessment, monitoring of functional planning zones, exploit correlation with industrial activity to improve the model of subsurface, site suitability and vulnerability, land cover, infrastructure, dyke monitoring, emergency airport planning, etc.

Map and monitor solar energy (solar farms)Urban solar mapping and understanding the basic characteristics of solar radiation over specific monitoring locations including estimating the variability of solar radiation for site selection and grid data/operators. Solar monitoring services use time series, Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) and Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), shadow mask.

Map and monitor wind energy (wind farms)

Understand where wind farms can be sited most cost-effectively and monitor and map wind energy fields (design and operation), wind roses, wind speed & direction.

Map and monitor hydroelectric energy

Hydrological network mapping (drainage navigation erosion) including hydropower grid monitoring and resource assessment. Water resource (reservoirs) monitoring, hydrological modelling and flood forecasting and mapping (dams).

Monitor transport networks

Map line of sight visibility (land surface)

Landscape visibility mapping and analysis, including spatial planning, terrain mapping (DTMs), land surface, map transmission and land routes.

Map and monitor transport networks

Transportation systems, interdependencies and industrial progress planning including site, soft ground and network mapping, highway environmental monitoring and assessment, identification of road or track for logistics planning.

Monitor wasteMonitor land pollution and waste management

Identifying illegal dumping and waste management and disposal for law enforcement. Landfills and dump sites emit large quantities of methane, quantify the emissions from these large sites in a single snapshot (maps) and do it frequently, surface and subsurface soil contamination monitoring, Land use/Land cover (LU/LC) maps which depict the physical characteristics of the surface, dry matter productivity, migration of pollutants and imperviousness land surface are parameters needed for this service.

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nameOcean & Marine
Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Thematic Sector

EO Service 


Marine ecosystem

Monitor ocean quality and productivity

algal bloom (phytoplankton), ocean colour compositte (chl-a, swath, qualitative, quantitative), sea surface temperature (SST)

Monitor pollution at sea

turbidity & pollutants

Detect and monitor oil slicks

oil spill threats (early warning), natural oil seepage,

Monitor oil rigs and flares

gas flares and oil rigs

Monitor marine habitats 

algal blooms, marine mammals, sea surface temperature, sediments, plumes, dredging operation


Map water depth or charting

charting / shallow water bathymetry

Monitor coastal ecosystem

waterbody nutrients / productivity (chlorophyll-a concentration), coastal, littoral and subtidal habitat (mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass canopy density)

Monitor ocean level and surface

sea rise

Assess and monitor coastal water quality 

sediment (qualitative, quantitative), turbidity (quality, quantitative), visibility, chlorophyll-a concentration 

Monitor the coast line

coastal land cover, shoreline change and coastal morphology (coastal terrain models)


Forecast and monitor ocean currents and drift

ocean dynamics and circulation: tides and ocean currents (surface current models for tides), sea surface salinity (internal waves, eddies and frontal areas), upwelling

Forecast and monitor ocean winds and waves

derived winds (speed, direction, stress) and waves (current veins, swell-maps: sea surface heigh), wave exposure (fetch, averaged directional wind speed and bathymetry), sea surface roughness (rain cells)

Forecast and map large waves

extreme waves / tsunami

Detect and monitor hurricanes and typhoons

atmospheric front, local weather phenomena, cloud structure, winds and waves, sea-surface temperature and sea-surface height


Map fish shoals

fish-shoal location

Detect and monitor illegal fishing

illegal fishing


Detect ships in critical areas

shipping and navigation

Monitor ship movements


Sea-ice and icebergs

Detect and monitor ice-risk at sea

sea-ice and icebergs, ship routing, ice cover, oil rigs

Content Block
nameAtmosphere & Climate
Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Thematic Areas

EO Service


Monitor the atmosphere

 Monitor and forecast air quality & emissions (fluxes)

Pollution and greenhouse gas emission monitoring. Measuring atmospheric concentrations and characterizing the micrometeorology or using atmospheric dispersion models to back-calculate the emission rates that gave the concentrations observed. Air quality/pollution source maps (CH4, CO2, NO2 & SO2, Particulate Matter, maps of average pollutant flux PM2.5, PM10).

Monitor atmosphere composition

Monitoring present conditions and forecasting the distribution (transportation), for a few days ahead, of both anthropogenic and naturally occurring key greenhouse gases (GHG) like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), or reactive gases such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), etc.

Forecasting sunlight exposure

While the solar radiation impacting the top of the atmosphere can be well modelled, the solar radiation arriving at the surface is dependent on the atmospheric transmission and turbidity and aerosol optical depth. Forecasting and risk assessment amount of solar (sunlight) radiation which reaches the surface of the planet (UV, radiation measures, models).

Monitor climate change

Assess changes in the carbon balance

Measuring carbon stocks, especially aboveground biomass and providing an overview of a range of approaches that have been developed and used to map biomass across a diverse set of conditions and geographic areas (quantifying stem volume and carbon stock changes). It also includes historical climate data.

Assess climate change risk & climate forcing

Assess current and future vulnerability to climate change including variability caused by a perturbation of the climate system and associated atmospheric composition (aerosol, ozone and greenhouse gases) driven by human activities). The radiative forcing measures the imbalance in the surface solar irradiance and is a useful predictor of globally averaged temperature change.

Forecast the weather (meteo)

Forecast weather  

Monitor and forecast weather conditions such as temperature, storms, precipitation, heat waves and tropical cyclones – as well as other hazards influenced by weather, like floods or dispersion of atmospheric or marine pollution.

Content Block
nameDisasters & Geohazards
Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Thematic Area

EO Services


Assess disasters & geohazards (emergency)

Map and assess flooding

Map and assess the extent of the flooding event (floods map, exposure), floodplain mapping, flood risk dynamic assessment and management of water buffer areas (overflow). Measure a variety of physical and biological parameters (incl. turbidity levels) in aquatic ecosystems over small and large areas. Products look into the flood impact and extent in phases such as early warning (early/quick/rapid detection), response and recovery monitoring.

Forecast and assess landslides

Mapping, monitoring, early warning (quick/rapid detection) and assessment of trigger events, unstable areas (rainfall influence) such as landslides (dynamic risk damage, slope instability, subsidence detection, fault and discontinuity maps (vector or raster), ground deformation and motion). Associated services include support for the evacuation of areas prone to collapse or the identification of suitable areas for urban replacement.

Assess and monitor volcanic activity

Assess ground deformation associated with volcanoes, seismic activity, volcanic eruptions (pre-eruptive, sin-eruptive, gas emissions, atmospheric ash, dispersion, heat flux). Rapid damage estimation (prevention), earthquake damage extent (loss adjuster dispatch). Impact on land cover and landscape (changes). Early warning (quick/rapid detection) and tracking of unrest / eruptive activity using satellite data in support of hazards mitigation activities. Map of the recent lava flows.

Detect and monitor wildfires

Use optical data to detect and monitor the heat emitted by the fires [forest fire risk (extent, burnt scars) under rapid damage estimation, fire weather index[1] damage, fire protection, rapid damage estimation (prevention, insurance)]. Impact on global atmospheric emissions, with biomass burning to contribute to the risk on human health (besides direct effects, PM2.5, PM10 health impacts) and also to global budgets of greenhouse gases (GHG) like carbon dioxide etc. Monitoring of risk prevention factors [early warning (early/quick/rapid detection)] and issuing alerts for high risk locations.

Assess damage from earthquakes

Mapping and monitoring of seismic exposure (e.g. population distribution and density in high-seismic-hazard areas). Earthquake disaster prevention, early warning (early/quick/rapid detection), recovery (reconstruction monitoring, residual risk assessment, dynamic risk assessment, information, damage). Extracting background information on seismic, inter-seismic deformations, slip rates & active faults, stress transfer on faults, rapid damage estimation (prevention), change detection and preliminary damage map earthquake damage extent (loss adjuster dispatch).

Map disaster areas and multi hazard assessment

Assess overall disaster risk maps in an appropriate format by using space, in-situ and location-based disaster risk information, vulnerability, capacity, exposure, hazard characteristics and their possible sequential effects at the relevant social and spatial scale on ecosystems, in line with national circumstances. Products will include disaster recovery maps and rapid mapping for crises, humanitarian aid maps (population density, infrastructure, logistical information), vulnerability assessment, damage assessment. Important to note the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

Content Block
Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Thematic Sector

EO Service



Monitor  sensitive risk areas

geospatial intelligence, sensitive risk areas (mines, unexploded objects (UXO), de-mining), high risk areas, precision mapping

Map disaster areas

humanitarian aid maps

Monitor land border incursions

border area monitoring.

Monitor movement of people

migration and cleansing

Monitor economic activity

legal and illegal activities

Monitor transport routes

transportation of legal and illegal goods, trafficking

Forecasting epidemics and diseases

daily disease risk maps, NDVI, land cover, soil type