Satellite Description

The primary WorldView (WV) constellation of satellites, operated by Maxar, consists of WorldView-1 through to WorldView-4 and the GeoEye-1 satellite. Launches of these platforms occurred in the years 2007, 2008 (GeoEye-1), 2009, 2014 and 2016. While the first three are still operational, WorldView-4 was retired due to a failure in the control moment gyros leading to axis instability and is not included here. More than 3 million km2 of imagery is collected from around the globe every day by the four functioning satellites of the constellation and together can have a revisit rate down to one day. WorldView-1 is the successor of QuickBird-2. It’s WV60 instrument provides high-resolution optical panchromatic imagery for accurate change detection across many application areas. WorldView-2 succeeded WV1 and its WV110 imager adds 8 multispectral bands, enhancing mapping capabilities. The rapid retargeting capabilities allow for stereoscopy as well. In total, WorldView-3 has 29 spectral bands, including an additional 8 SWIR and 12 clouds, aerosols, vapours, ice and snow (CAVIS) bands to the capabilities of WorldView-2. The CAVIS bands are used to correct WorldView imagery obtained through atmospheric obscurants such as haze and dust, and to monitor the atmospheric state. GeoEye-1 satellite’s main applications are in defence, mining, oil and gas, crop management and mapping of remote regions. It has a revisit rate of approximately 3 days, and with panchromatic and multispectral bands it can collect over 350,000 km2 of imagery every day.

Observation Scenario

WorldView- 1, 2, 3:

  • •  Swath width: 17.6 km, 16.4 km, 13.1 km
  • •  Orbit: Sun-synchronous
  • •  Inclination: 97.2°, 97.8° 98°
  • •  Altitude: 496 km, 770 km, 617 km
  • •  Lifetime: 7.25 years


  • • Swath width: 15.2 km
  • •  Orbit: Sun-synchronous
  • •  Inclination: 98°
  • •  Altitude: 681 km
  • •  Lifetime: 10 years

Sensor Characteristics

• WV1: 1 x panchromatic

• WV2: 1 x panchromatic, 8 x multispectral

• WV3: 1 x panchromatic, 8 x VNIR multispectral, 8 x SWIR, 12 x CAVIS

• GeoEye-1: 1 x panchromatic, 4 x multispectral

Spatial Resolution

• WV1: 0.5 – 0.55 m panchromatic

• WV2: 0.46 – 0.52 m panchromatic, 1.8 – 2.4 m multispectral

• WV3: 0.31 m panchromatic, 1.24 m VNIR, 3.7 m SWIR, 30 m CAVIS

• GeoEye-1: 0.41 m panchromatic (nadir), 1.64 m multispectral (nadir)

Temporal Resolution

• WV1: 1.7 – 5.9 days

• WV2: < 2 days

• WV3: < 1 day – 4.5 days

• GeoEye-1: 1.7 – 4.6 days

Data Products

• WV1: 

  • • Level-2A standard
  • • View-ready-stereo
  • • Map-ready orthorectified

• WV2/WV3 – panchromatic + 4/8 bands:

  • • Level-2A standard
  • • View-ready-stereo
  • • Map-ready orthorectified

• WV3: – additional SWIR:

  • • Level-2A standard
  • • Map-ready orthorectified

• GeoEye-1:

  • • Level-2A standard
  • • View-ready-stereo
  • • Map-ready orthorectified

Archive Availability

WorldView data is not freely accessible unless data is sourced under an ESA Third Party Missions (TPM) research proposal. See the links below.

Data Continuity

The WorldView Legion is the next generation of the WorldView satellite fleet. Four of the six satellites in the constellation have been launched with the final pair expected to launch in late 2024. Repeat rates of up to 15 times per day are expected. For further information on the WorldView Series see here. For further information on GeoEye-1 see here.

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