
This page provides the latest news and insights into the Earth observation sector including private and public stakeholders. Explore the EOScan here.


The Technology Watch page keeps you up-to-date on the latest technology trends and most innovative products and services in the remote sensing and related sectors. The focus is on new technologies such as information services and products, new missions or other data sources that can be combined with EO data such as GNSS or space-based communications data. Further info here.

Policy Observatory

Under its Policy Observatory, EARSC is monitoring relevant EU policies and advocating for increased use of the EO services to support policy-makers. EARSC gathers the inputs of its members on how the downstream EO sector can contribute to various EU initiatives. These statements, reflecting the industry's views and recommendations, are submitted in response to the European Commission's open consultations with the objective to include EO capabilities in support of the achievements of European policies. More info here.

How EO is Informing EU Policies

It monitors developments and trends in underlying drivers that are defining and changing the EO sector, but also the thematic areas (i.e. e-shape Showcases) which it supports. Analyses are presented in the shape of online articles, pointing out opportunities coming from market activities, technological developments, policy and regulation, or specific events. As a component of the e-shape Sustainability Booster, these insights aim to serve as a starting point for shaping products and services towards market-driven, economically sustainable solutions. This section also provides market and technology intelligence for EO companies. More info here.

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