
EO Taxonomy

This area provides the top-level structure of the taxonomy of Earth Observation services, helping to define a common language of EO products and services between communities. Here, you can find EO services organised at market and thematic level.


Success Stories

This area introduces a consolidated list of success stories for interested communities to facilitate the identification of relevant applications for user uptake. Success stories include case studies to give a comprehensive overview of the potential of Earth observation. A full section is dedicated to the contribution of EO to the Agenda 2030.


Best Practices

This section gives comprehensive insights into user-related challenges and geo-information requirements coupled with concrete Earth Observation services. Markets are frequently added and include:

  • oil and gas
  • agro-insurance
  • raw materials
  • financial management
  • baltic and arctic shipping (forthcom.)

Technology & Policies

The Technology Watch keeps you up to date on the latest technology supporting the development of EO applications. The Policy section helps you to understand how Earth observation services can inform and support EU policies.


EO Ecosystem

This area presents a mapping of the EO ecosystem including:

  • Service Providers
  • Research Institutes
  • Institutions
  • EO Projects
  • No labels

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