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P11: WorldPop – Population Counts

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Maturity score

Mean: 3.2

STD: 0.90

Constraints and limitations

·  WorldPop data is available at a relatively high spatial resolution (often 100 meters) and is dynamic from 2000 to 2020. However, for some applications, even higher resolution and more recent data may be required.

Relevant user needs

UN10: Need to understand population density when making investment decisions.

UN57: Automatically update changes in population density estimates based on observable land use changes

R&D gaps

·  The accuracy of population estimates relies on multiple factors, including the quality of input data, the assumptions made in modelling, and validation against ground truth data. Errors can occur, especially in areas with limited ground data for validation.

·  There can be a lag between the actual population changes and the availability of updated WorldPop data, as it is not real-time information. However, this can be overcome by calculating the maps by an EO provider with the same methodology as WorldPop.

Potential improvements drivers

More validation is required to make the data more robust

Utilisation level review

Utilisation score

Mean: 3.00

STD: 0.89

No utilisation:

Low utilisation

·  The product is already satisfying the technical and usability requirements.

·  Unawareness of the existence of commercial EO products with better specifications.

This product is being used by the insurance sector to assess vulnerability to physical risks and potential costs.

Medium utilisation

High utilisation

Critical gaps related to relevant user needs

Guideline gap

UN57: Automatically update changes in population density estimates based on observable land use changes.

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