ServiceEO products forming the serviceAncillary data for the serviceUser needs addressed by the service
ID:  name
Investment Management domain
S01:Asset Accessibility Assessment·  Land use maps (P01)
UN11: Realistic assessment of accessibility to assets.
·  Mapping travel times to assets (P10)
·  Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
S02: Natural hazard risk analysis·  Drought monitoring at assets level (P21)
UN12: Analysis of potential risks in specific regions.
·  Wildfires danger forecasting (P23)UN14: Need to screen the feasibility of projects against different hazards criteria.
·  Identification of flood hazard areas (P24)
·  Identification of trends related to shifts in rainfall patterns (P25)
S03: Security risk analysis·  Predicting terrorism hotspots (P16)·  The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)UN12: Analysis of potential risks in specific regions.
·  Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP)
·  IB Global Politics - Conflict Analysis Data Sheet
S04: Client risk mapping·  Land use maps (P01)·  The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)UN13: Need to geo-map clients.
·  Drought monitoring at assets level (P21)·  Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP)
·  Wildfires danger forecasting (P23)·  IB Global Politics - Conflict Analysis Data Sheet
·  Identification of flood hazard areas (P24)
·  Identification of trends related to shifts in rainfall patterns (P25)
S05: Monitoring crop productivity·  Crop type and acreage mapping (P02)
UN18: Need to monitor crop productivity.
·  Crop phenology, rotation, and number of seasons (P03)
·  Tillage, and crop residue cover practices (P04)
·  Green biomass and yield estimation (P05)
Green Finance domain
S06: Natural assets time series analysis·  Land cover maps (P17)
UN27: Need to assess historical trends and baseline of natural assets.
·  Land use maps (P02)
·  Vegetation indices
·  Monitoring reforestation and deforestation activities (P07)
S07: Assessing crop types’ of impact on sustainable and environmental investments·  Crop type and acreage mapping (P02)
UN28: Need to classify the types of crops being grown to assess the Sustainability and Environmental impact of agricultural investments.
·  Deforestation activities (part of P07)UN29: Need to accurately measure the planted area for crops.
·  Land degradation
·  Carbon sequestration in soil
S08: Assessing trees health condition and forest carbon sequestration·  Estimation of Above-Ground Carbon Stocks in Forests (P27)
UN30: Need for monitoring with accurate measurements of the growth and health of trees and verifying the sustainability of forest management practices.
·  Deforestation and reforestation monitoring (P07)
·  Carbon Sequestration in Soil
·  Vegetation Indices
S09: Measuring the growth of carbon stocks: in forests·  Estimation of Above-Ground Carbon Stocks in Forests
UN32: Need to periodically estimate the growth of above-ground and soil carbon stocks (in forests).
·  Carbon Sequestration in Soil
Risk Analysis domain
S10: Natural hazard prediction·  Wildfire danger forecasting (P23)·  Historical drought mapsUN37: Need to assess historical trend and baseline of natural assets.
·  Identification of Flood Hazard Areas (P24)
·  NEX-GDDP-CMIP6: NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Climate Projections (to 2100) 
·  Copernicus seasonal forecast program
S11: Geohazards prediction·  Surveillance of Oil and Gas Pipelines for Geohazard and Ground Subsidence Vulnerabilities (P37)
UN37: Need to assess historical trend and baseline of natural assets.
·  Monitoring Highway and Railway Networks (P35)
·  Monitor Slow-Moving Subsidence (P38)
·  Coastal erosion (P31)
·  Dams’ Safety (P36)
S12: Historical asset data analysis·  NEX-GDDP-CMIP6: NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Climate Projections 
UN38: Need for trustworthy time series of reliable data on assets.
·   ERA5-land data (Table 26 in the Annex C.)
·   Copernicus Land Services data (Table 26 in the Annex C.)
·  Land use change (P01)
·  Land cover change (P17)
·  FAPAR anomaly
·  Vegetation indices anomalies
·  Soil moisture anomaly
S13: Business activities' impact on ecosystems and biodiversity·  Deforestation activities (part of P07)·  Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII)·  UN39: Need to assess the potential impact of business activities or investments on ecosystems and biodiversity.
·  Land cover change (P11)·  Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)
·  Land use change (P12)
·  Vegetation indices
·  Water quality monitoring
·  Wetland extent mapping
S14: Sea level risk monitoring·  DEM·  Building footprint dataset such as Bing maps or World Settlement Footprint (WSF)·  UN40: Need to monitor the risk of sea level rise threatening coastal property, infrastructure, and supply chains.
·  Land cover change (P17)
·  Land use change (P01)
·  Dams’ Safety (P36)
S15: Monitor temperature increase on assets·  Heat hazard maps (P29)
·  UN41: Need to monitor the impact of increased temperatures on assets.
·  Impact of increased temperatures on soil moisture and vegetation condition (P28)
S16: Climate resilient flood management·  Land cover maps (P17)
·  UN43: Need to monitor changing precipitation patterns and flood risk in vicinity of vulnerable assets.
·  Land use maps (P01)
·  Identification of flood hazard areas (P24)
·  Identification of trends related to shifts in rainfall patterns (P25)
S17: Urban properties geolocations map·  Land use maps (P01)
·  UN47: Need up-to-date geospatial data on residential and industrial infrastructures' locations.
·  Building inventory (P09)
Insurance Management domain
S18: Crop damage map·  Crop Type and acreage Mapping (P02)
·  UN55: Detecting crop damage at the level of individual farms/fields.
·  Changes and anomalies of multiple vegetation indices
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