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Corporate News

titleReports & Financial

titleContracts & Projects


titleEmbrace markets



titleOpportunities & Funding

Information extracted from EUROGI

  • New and open funding opportunities: 

  • Service Framework Contract for the Provision of Studies on ‘Federal Logistic IT Network’ (Deadline 29/09). [Read here]

  • Towards an Implementation of the EU Bee Partnership Platform for Harmonised data Collection and Sharing Among Stakeholders on Bees and Pollinators (deadline 30/09). [Read here]
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) On In-work Learning of EU Enterprises (Deadline 01/10). [Read here
  • Data analytics technologies and data purchases (Deadline 05/10) [Read here]
  • Development of the markets and use of digital technologies and infrastructure in agriculture – state of play and foresight: digital and data technologies for the agricultural sector in a fast changing regulatory, trade and technical environment (Deadline 06/10) [Read here]
  • Common European Green Deal data space to provide more accessible and exploitable environmental observation data in support of the European Green Deal priority actions (Deadline 06/10) [Read here]
  • Mapping and improving the data economy for food systems (Deadline 06/10) [Read here]
  • Data economy in the field of agriculture – effects of data sharing and big data (Deadline 06/10). [Read here]
    • Interoperability community (Deadline 19/10) [Read here]
    • Establish the grounds for a common European energy data space (19/10) [Read here]
    • Scalable privacy-preserving technologies for cross-border federated computation in Europe involving personal data (Deadline 21/10) [Read here]
    • AI for cybersecurity reinforcement (Deadline 21/10) [Read here]
    NEW! Feasibility
    • Feasibility Study, Design and Prototype Development for a Mapping Platform on COVID-19 Therapeutics in the EU (Deadline 29/10) [Read here]
    • NEW! Emerging Risks Analysis Platform (ERAP) (Deadline 03/11) [Read here]
    • Horizon Europe Project: Machine Learning Application Approval (Tender released by European Union Aviation Safety Agency, deadline 04/11) [Read here]
    • Terrorism and other forms of serious crime countered using travel intelligence (Deadline 23/11) [Read here]
    NEW! Enhanced
    • Enhanced assessment of disaster risks, adaptive capabilities and scenario building based on available historical data and projections (Deadline 23/11) [Read here]
    NEW! Improving
    • Improving cyber defence and incident management with artificial intelligence (Deadline 09/12) [Read here]
    NEW! Frugal
    • Frugal learning for rapid adaptation of AI systems (Deadline 09/12) [Read here]
    • Reinforcing digitalisation related know how of local energy ecosystems (Deadline 05/01/22) [Read here]
    • NEW! Canarias pre-commercial procurement on big data for personalised medicine (Deadline TBD) [Read here]

    Policy initiatives, announcements and briefings (all NEW):

    State of the Union: Commission proposes a Path to the Digital Decade to deliver the EU's digital transformation by 2030
    • Commission launches EU missions to tackle major challenges [Read here]
    High-level conference to weigh up EU and international work on Artificial Intelligence
    • Questions and answers: EU missions [Read here]
    European Innovation Council (EIC) and Startup Europe join forces to boost digital and deep tech startup growth
    • MEPs debate AI and the data strategy [Read here]
    Leading European companies support the digitalisation of SMEs with the Digital Volunteers Pilot Programme
    • Trade and Technology Council: Inaugural meeting agrees on important deliverables and outlines areas for future EU-US cooperation [Read here]
  • Should We Build The Matrix? Some Challenges of the Digital Twin - Seminar presenting the Position paper on the use of Complexity Science for Local Digital Twins [Read here]
    • ENISA's New Tool to secure the Digital Future of SMEs [Read here]
    • EU and the Western Balkans launch a joint strategy to strengthen cooperation in innovation, research, education, culture, youth and sport
    Promoting industry-academia knowledge exchange through co-creation teams

    Open Public consultations:

    Integrated farm statistics – EU funding for data collection (2021-27), deadline 07/10
    • NEW! Digital services integrating different transport modes,  deadline 02/11 [Participate here]
    • Policy programme - Digital Decade Compass, deadline 23/11 [Participate here]
    • NEW! Digitalising the energy sector – EU action plan, deadline 24/01/22 [Participate here]

    Newspaper articles/publications/reports (all NEW):

    • EU
    chief announces cybersecurity law for connected devices
    • countries green light new data governance framework [Read here]
    Join the Innovation Procurement Partnership Programme Call
    • Europeans strongly support science and technology according to new Eurobarometer survey [Read here]
  • Open Call - EIC Investor Day @ EIC Summit: Scaling up your industry/business [Read here]
  • Commission to launch governance framework for digital transition [Read here]
  • Commission yearns for setting the global standard on artificial intelligence [Read here]
  • Automating injustice: the use of artificial intelligence & automated decision-making systems in criminal justice in Europe [Read here]
    • Promoting industry-academia knowledge exchange through co-creation teams [Read here]
    • MEPs demand strict rules over AI applications in criminal matters [Read here]
    • Horizon Europe funding for PCP and PPI
    Study about the impact of open source software and hardware on technological independence, competitiveness and innovation in the EU economy



titleSocial Media

eoMAG summer 2021
