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Success Stories

This area provides the e-shape pilots success stories per corresponding showcase. This table is intended for interested user communities to facilitate the identification of relevant applications for the user. 

Showcase AgricultureShowcase HealthShowcase EnergyShowcase EcosystemShowcase WaterShowcase DisastersShowcase Climate
Pilot 1.1 GEOGLAMPilot 2.1 EO-based surveillance of mercury pollution

The Food Security & Sustainable Agriculture Showcase; Remote Sensing Based Crop Monitoring For Early Warning - The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor Impact

Pilot 3.1 nextSENSE: solar energy nowcasting and short-term forecasting system Pilot 4.1 mySPACE Pilot 5.1 Improved historical water availability and quality information service Pilot 6.1 EO4D_ASH - EO Data for Detection, Discrimination and Distribution (4D) of Volcanic ash Pilot 7.1 Global Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Pilot 1.2 EU-CAP Support  Pilot 2.2 EO-based surveillance of POPs pollution Pilot 3.2 High photovoltaic penetration at urban scale Pilot 4.2 mySITE Pilot 5.2 Satellite Earth Observation-derived water bodies and floodwater record over Europe Pilot 6.2 GEOSS for Disasters in Urban Environment Pilot 7.2 Urban resilience to extreme weather - climate service
Pilot 1.3 VICI - Vegetation-Index Crop-Insurance in EthiopiaPilot 2. 3 EO-based pollution-health risks profiling in the urban environment Pilot 3.3 Merging offshore wind products Pilot 4.3 myVARIABLEPilot 5.3 Dive - Diver Information on Visibility in Europe Pilot 6.3 Assessing Geo-hazard vulnerability of Cities and Critical Infrastructures Pilot 7.3 Forestry conditions - climate service
Pilot 1.4 Agro industryPilot 2.4 EYWA - EarlY WArning System for Mosquito-Borne DiseasesPilot 3.4 | WindSight - First class input data for wind energy models
Pilot 5.4 Sargassum detection for seasonal planningPilot 6.4 ReSAgri - Resilient and Sustainable ecosystems including Agriculture and food Pilot 7.4 Hydropower in snow reservoir – climate service
Pilot 1.5 | Linking EO and Farm IoT for Automated Decision Support

Pilot 5.5 Monitoring fishing activity Pilot 6.5 FRIENDPilot 7.5 Seasonal preparedness
Pilot 1.6 | Service for SDG 2.4.1 and 15.3.1 indicators

Pilot 5.6 | EO based phytoplankton biomass for WFD reportingPilot 6.6 MountaiNowPilot 7.6 | Super resolution air quality monitoring service
Pilot 1.7 | DynaCrop- unlocking EO intelligence across the food value chain

Pilot 5.7 Rheticus® AquaculturePlus
Success stories-achieving our objectives. The e-shape project
