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Success Stories

This area provides a consolidated list of success stories for interested user communities to facilitate the identification of relevant applications for the user. In this section, the web user can find up-to-date success stories from the e-shape pilots.

Showcase AgricultureShowcase HealthShowcase EnergyShowcase EcosystemShowcase WaterShowcase DisastersShowcase Climate
Pilot 1.1 GEOGLAMPilot 2.1 EO-based surveillance of mercury pollution Pilot 3.1 nextSENSE: solar energy nowcasting and short-term forecasting system Pilot 4.1 mySPACE Pilot 5.1 Improved historical water availability and quality information service Pilot 6.1 EO4D_ASH - EO Data for Detection, Discrimination and Distribution (4D) of Volcanic ash Pilot 7.1 Global Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Pilot 1.2 EU-CAP Support  Pilot 2.2 EO-based surveillance of POPs pollution Pilot 3.2 High photovoltaic penetration at urban scale Pilot 4.2 mySITE Pilot 5.2 Satellite Earth Observation-derived water bodies and floodwater record over Europe Pilot 6.2 GEOSS for Disasters in Urban Environment Pilot 7.2 Urban resilience to extreme weather - climate service
Pilot 1.3 VICI - Vegetation-Index Crop-Insurance in EthiopiaPilot 2. 3 EO-based pollution-health risks profiling in the urban environment Pilot 3.3 Merging offshore wind products Pilot 4.3 myVARIABLEPilot 5.3 Dive - Diver Information on Visibility in Europe Pilot 6.3 Assessing Geo-hazard vulnerability of Cities and Critical Infrastructures Pilot 7.3 Forestry conditions - climate service
Pilot 1.4 Agro industryPilot 2.4 EYWA - EarlY WArning System for Mosquito-Borne DiseasesPilot 3.4 | WindSight - First class input data for wind energy models
Pilot 5.4 Sargassum detection for seasonal planningPilot 6.4 ReSAgri - Resilient and Sustainable ecosystems including Agriculture and food Pilot 7.4 Hydropower in snow reservoir – climate service
Pilot 1.5 | Linking EO and Farm IoT for Automated Decision Support

Pilot 5.5 Monitoring fishing activity Pilot 6.5 FRIENDPilot 7.5 Seasonal preparedness
Pilot 1.6 | Service for SDG 2.4.1 and 15.3.1 indicators

Pilot 5.6 | EO based phytoplankton biomass for WFD reportingPilot 6.6 MountaiNowPilot 7.6 | Super resolution air quality monitoring service
Pilot 1.7 | DynaCrop- unlocking EO intelligence across the food value chain

Pilot 5.7 Rheticus® AquaculturePlus

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