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  • G-NEXT: security services for supporting external actions

Success Story on the use of EO to Security Services for Supporting External Action


GNEXT is a Collaborative Project in the GMES Security context under the Seventh Framework Programme started in January 2013. The duration foreseen is 27 months.

G-NEXT aims to support the transition of the Copernicus services for Security applications from research and development and pre-operational service provision to a fully operational mode.  

In particular, G-NEXT will supply information and intelligence data to support the operations of the European External Action Service (EEAS), including mapping and geoinformation products ready for use in emergency and crisis situations. Users should be able to integrate the services provided by G-NEXT into their working environments in an effective and reliable manner.


G-NEXT build on the capacities and service components developed within the previous G-MOSAIC project. It aims to supply value added geospatial products in support of the EU External Action.


G-NEXT aims to support the transition of the Copernicus services for Security applications from research and development and pre-operational service provision to a fully operational mode.

In particular, G-NEXT will supply information and intelligence data to support the operations of the European External Action Service (EEAS), including mapping and geoinformation products ready for use. 

Due to the specific nature of the project, one of the main issues identified is the potential misuse of the products by third parties that could potentially harm the EU or its Member States. For this reason one of the measures taken consists in a Sensitivity Check mechanism which has been put in place. It is a check performed by the EEAS/CMPD in liaison with the EC in order to assess the sensitivity of the requests.


The current pre-operational service frame include as main actors: the Service Coordinator, the Production coordinator, the Service Providers (mainly industrial partners) and an Independent Validation team.

  • The Service Coordinator supervise the entire Service Production chain ensuring that the production meets the User’s expectations performing an online Validation before the products delivery. The Service Coordinator acts as Focal Point towards the Users, is in charge of the EO data ordering and also of products distribution. The Service Coordinator ensure a 24/7 availability.

  • The Production Coordinator is in charge of coordinating the service chains according to the request of the Service Coordinator, he manage the Service Providers in a collaborative framework for the production of the outputs, is in charge of the online Quality Check and of the final products packaging. There are two different lines of productions: Rush (ensuring a 24/7 availability) and Non Rush mode.

  • Service Providers are in charge of the production tasks. In case of Rush production, Service Providers ensure a 24/7 availability.

  • The Independent Validation team perform the offline Validation after the activation is closed. The aim is to improve the products for future activation and ensure the correct implementation of the online validation mode.


G-NEXT started delivering services in pre-operational mode as of the 15th of July 2013; a total amount of 17 requests for activation has been received so far:

  • 7 activations have been closed and the products have been delivered

  • 3 activations have been stopped by the Sensitivity Check,

  • 2 activations are on-going and

  • 5 request are on stand-by (the project can handle up to two activations simultaneously).

A number of informal requests have also been received by the G-NEXT Service Coordinator, which have not been formalised in an official Service Request by the Users as exceeding the production and resources capacity of the project.

A first version of a Portfolio of Services has been issued and presented to the Users and to the stakeholders.

User involvement

Authorized Users of the G-NEXT services include the main actors and stakeholders involved in EU External Action: the EEAS (European External Action Service), the European Commission, National Institutions such as Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of Defence, Police Offices, Intelligence Centres, and also international organizations such as UN bodies.

Excellent feedback was received from the Users who tasked G-NEXT so far. Furthermore, they unanimously validated the model of Service delivery tested in G-NEXT.

Service Provider:

The project consortium involves 15 partners under the lead of e-GEOS. More info at GNEXT





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