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P22: Post wildfires monitoring (area and severity)

Download the product sheet gap analysis 

Maturity score

Mean: 2.8

STD: 0.37

Constraints and limitations

·  Availability of pre and post-fire event images due to cloud presence.

·  Smoke and haze from wildfires can affect the quality of satellite images.

Relevant user needs

UN45: Need to measure the area affected by wildfires after the fact.

UN46: Need to measure the intensity of wildfires (level of damage to assets).

R&D gaps

·  Lack of VHR imagery that has Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) bands, which are necessary to calculate the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) that is being used to calculate the area and severity of wildfires.

·  Limitations in monitoring fire spread as quickly as required.

Potential improvements drivers

·  Missions for real-time monitoring of the behaviour of wildfires.

Utilisation level review

Utilisation score

Mean: 3.00

STD: 0.82

No utilisation

Low utilisation

·  Higher cost of using the commercial EO product

·  The product already satisfies the technical and usability requirements.

Medium utilisation

·  Unawareness of the existence of the best available commercial EO product with better specifications.

·  Ground-truth data is still considered a vital component alongside EO / geoinformation inputs.

High utilisation

Only this product satisfies the technical and usability requirements.

Critical gaps related to relevant user needs

Guideline gap

UN45: Need to measure the area affected by wildfires after the fact.

UN46: Need to measure the intensity of wildfires (level of damage to assets).

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