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P20: Nighttime light monitoring

Download the product sheet gap analysis 

Maturity score

Mean: 2.5

STD: 0.66

Constraints and limitations

·  Cloud presence

·  Natural light sources like moonlight can interfere with the detection of artificial nighttime light.

·  May not be sensitive enough to detect low-intensity light sources accurately, which can lead to underestimation of nighttime light in less densely populated areas.

Relevant user needs

UN37: Projection of risk to portfolio assets into the future.

R&D gaps

·  The lower spatial resolution of the products

Potential improvements drivers

·  New missions with higher spatial resolution

Utilisation level review

Utilisation score

Mean: 2.68

STD: 1.12

No utilisation

Unawareness of the existence of this EO product

Low utilisation

·  The product is already satisfying the technical and usability requirements.

·  Unawareness of the existence of commercial EO products with better specifications,

Awareness of its use as a proxy for economic activity. Would be good for the FM community to check if it has other use cases within the industry.

Medium utilisation

High utilisation

Critical gaps related to relevant user needs

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