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P10: Mapping travel times to assets

Download the gap analysis product sheet 

Maturity score

Mean: 3.00

STD: 0.00

Constraints and limitations

·  The product is static and may not account for dynamic factors like traffic congestion, seasonal changes, or road closures, which can impact travel times.

·  The product represents the travel time of using motorized means without considering the type of vehicle.

Relevant user needs

UN47: Need up-to-date geospatial data on residential and industrial infrastructures' locations

R&D gaps

·  The relatively coarse spatial resolution (~ 1 km)

Potential improvements drivers

Provide more global friction maps with higher spatial resolution. These maps are used to generate the travel time maps.

Utilisation level review

Utilisation score

Mean: 2.14

STD: 0.64

No utilisation:

·  Unawareness of the existence of this EO product

·  Uncertainty of the need for this product

Low utilisation

·  Unawareness of the existence of commercial EO products with better specifications

There is a high utilisation of Global Friction Surface which is an open-access map produced through a collaboration between the Malaria Atlas Project (MAP) (University of Oxford), Telethon Kids Institute (Perth, Australia), Google, and the University of Twente, Netherlands.

Medium utilisation

High utilisation

Critical gaps related to relevant user needs

Guideline gap

UN11: Realistic assessment of accessibility to assets

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