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P15: Lithology and surficial geology mapping

Download product sheet gap analysis

Maturity score

Mean: 3.00

STD: 0.00

Constraints and limitations

·  Cloud presence.

·  Mapping lithology is most effective in arid and semi-arid regions. It becomes more difficult and less accurate in temperate and tropical areas where weathering is extensive, and dense vegetation cover is prevalent.

·  The product relies on reference data.

·  Machine learning model uncertainty.

Relevant user needs

UN9: Understanding stock levels and monitoring supply chains.

R&D gaps

·  Limited training data.

·  Limited spectral bands of currently available EO data.

Potential improvements drivers

·  Using Hyperspectral data (there are upcoming missions).

·  More training datasets

Utilisation level review

Utilisation score

Mean: 2.00

STD: 0.00

No utilisation

Low utilisation

·  Unawareness of the existence of commercial EO products with better specifications

·  The product is already satisfying the technical and usability requirements.

Medium utilisation

High utilisation

Critical gaps related to relevant user needs

Utilisation gap

UN9: Understanding stock levels and monitoring supply chains

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