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P27: Estimation of above-ground carbon stocks in forests

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Maturity score

Mean: 2.4

STD: 0.64

Constraints and limitations

·   Cloud presence

·   Satellite data might not provide direct measurements of biomass, requiring the use of models and assumptions that can introduce uncertainties.

·   Rely on reference data

Relevant user needs

UN30: Need for monitoring with accurate measurements the growth and health of trees.

UN32: Need to periodically estimate the growth of above-ground carbon stocks (in forests).

R&D gaps

·   Lack of ground truth data about tree height and structures obtained from filed work or LIDAR.

·   In-situ data is very important for accurate estimations, especially, with certain sensors that reach saturation.

Potential improvements drivers

·  Training datasets of tree inventory

·  Missions provide biomass directly

Utilisation level review

Utilisation score

Mean: 2.29

STD: 0.88

No utilisation

·  Users’ lack of EO knowledge and skills to utilize the EO product.

·  Unawareness of the existence of this EO product

Low utilisation

·  Unawareness of the existence of commercial EO products with better specifications

·  Higher cost of using the commercial EO product

·  Only aware of its use as a proxy of macro-economic indicators. There were trials of using it to track emissions of specific assets, but it was difficult to reconcile the results against the reference estimations .

Medium utilisation

·  Higher cost of using the best available commercial EO product.

·  Most data providers used by financial institutions seem to rely on open EO data .

·  Unawareness of the existence of the best available commercial EO product with better specifications.

High utilisation

Critical gaps related to relevant user needs

Utilisation gap

UN30: Need for monitoring with accurate measurements the growth and health of trees.

UN32: Need to periodically estimate the growth of above-ground carbon stocks (in forests).

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