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P31: Coastal erosion

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Maturity score

Mean: 2.6

STD: 0.64

Constraints and limitations

·   Cloud presence

·   Variability in sea level due to tides, storm surges, and other factors can introduce noise and uncertainty in detecting shoreline shifts.

·   Subpixel changes in shoreline positions might be challenging to detect and measure accurately, impacting erosion rate calculations.

Relevant user needs

UN12: Analysis of potential risks in specific regions.

UN14: Need to screen the feasibility of projects against different hazard criteria.

UN37: Projection of risk to portfolio assets into the future.

UN40: Need to monitor the risk of sea level rise threatening coastal property, infrastructure, and supply chains.

R&D gaps

·   Limitation of high spatial and temporal resolution historical satellite imagery.

Potential improvements drivers

·  Global data of shoreline change rate

Utilisation level review

Utilisation score

Mean: 2.17

STD: 1.07

No utilisation

·  Unavailability of freely available sources of the EO product.

·  Unacceptable reliability and accuracy of the EO product.

Low utilisation

·  Unawareness of the existence of commercial EO products with better specifications.

Medium utilisation

·  Unawareness of the existence of the best available commercial EO product with better specifications.

High utilisation

Critical gaps related to relevant user needs

Guideline gap

UN37: Projection of risk to portfolio assets into the future.

Utilisation gap

UN12: Analysis of potential risks in specific regions

UN14: Need to screen the feasibility of projects against different hazard criteria.

UN40: Need to monitor the risk of sea level rise threatening coastal property, infrastructure, and supply chains

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