The Global Monitoring Programme Data Warehouse serves the purpose of monitoring POPs in core media (air, human milk/blood and water) in order to enable policy makers and international organisations to improve decision-making in risk assessment.
Main users of the service/tool are Secretariats and Parties to the Stockholm, Basel, Rotterdam, and CLRTAP Conventions, policy makers, governments, state and regional authorities, industry, IGOs, NGOs, scientific community. |
Main users of the service/tool are Secretariats and Parties to the Stockholm, Basel, Rotterdam, and CLRTAP Conventions, policy makers, governments, state and regional authorities, industry, IGOs, NGOs, scientific community.
RECETOX is a research center at the Masaryk University Faculty of Science. In 2018 it celebrated 35 years of existence. At RECETOX we are engaged in research and education in the management of environmental and health risks associated with the chemicals around us.
“The GMP DWH is an easy to use tool, unique in its content as to the wealth of POPs data it provides. It is an extremely useful tool for POPs monitoring on the national, regional and global level”
Michaela Vytopilová, Expert, Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic
The aim of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) is to protect human health and the environment from adverse effects of POPs that are released to the environment from use, production, unintentional production of POPs and from stockpiles and wastes containing POPs. The harmful effects of these substances cannot be mitigated without monitoring of their incidecnce in the environment which is the main objective of this pilot.
- Harmonization process and metadata compilation very time consuming.
- Schedule of international meetings that act as decision-making bodies for the approval of the data needs to be complied with, causing delays in publishing latest collection round of data.
- Attribution of the data to a specific person/data owner as data provision is under the responsibility of the Regional Organisation Groups (ROGs).
Among the main results belong:
- New data visualisation tools were developed - and adapted for for higher amounts of data
- GMP DWH has radically improved exploitation of the in-situ observation networks (EMEP, AMAP, MONET, GAPS, GENASIS, NORMAN, AQUAGAPS) data and has facilitated efficient access to the data for policy-makers, scientists and public.
- Datasets from GMP 2 and GMP 3 for Air, Water, Human milk and Human blood monitoring from Africa, Asia and Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe, WEOG and GRULAG regions are registered in NextGEOSS data catalogue.
Wide array of POPs data available “at a glance”
- Visualisation tools that make it easier to analyse the data
- Linked to NexGEOSS data catalogue and so available on a global scale
- Serves multiple user groups
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