The EO-FIN project is funded by ESA as a series of EO best practices. The main purpose of this activity is to understand what the current, and short-term future, capabilities of EO are to support the Financial Management sector, and what EO best practices need to be met to best respond to this sector’s needs and requirements. GMV in partnership with London Economics are responsible for completing these activities. The EO-FIN project is 18 months and started in January 2023. In tandem, this activity aims to promote and expand, through standardisation, best practices and awareness-raising, the development and expansion of high-quality EO services in the said sector. More specifically, the objective of the present activity is to establish the current geo-information needs and requirements within the sector of Financial Management (FM), identify the best practices allowing the EO industry to respond to these requirements through high-quality, standardised, EO products and services and, finally, define a roadmap for the implantation of these EO best practices. For this activity, the FM sector will be represented by stakeholders operating in the following four FM markets: Investment Management, Risk Management, Insurance Management and Green Finances.

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