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P17: Land Cover Maps

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Maturity score

Mean: 3.00

STD: 0.00

Constraints and limitations

·  Missing information on seasonal variability.

·  In some cases, pixels may represent a mix of multiple land cover classes.

Relevant user needs

UN11: Realistic assessment of accessibility to assets.

UN27: Need to assess historical trends and baseline of natural assets.

UN38: Need for trustworthy time series of reliable data on assets.

UN39: Need to assess the potential impact of business activities or investments on ecosystems and biodiversity.

UN40: Need to monitor the risk of sea level rise threatening coastal property, infrastructure, and supply chains.

UN43: Need to monitor changing precipitation patterns and flood risk in the vicinity of vulnerable assets.

R&D gaps

The product is highly responsive to UNS.

Potential improvements drivers

No crucial improvements were provided as it highly responds to the user's needs

Utilisation level review

Utilisation score

Mean: 2.86

STD: 0.64

No utilisation

Low utilisation

·  The product is already satisfying the technical and usability requirements.

·  The product is already being used by sovereign bond investors. Also, sectors such as asset management may be interested in using these maps in combination with asset-level data, but as they are already limited on the asset-level data (incompleteness, inaccurate locations), trying to do a detailed analysis wouldn't add much value.

Medium utilisation

·  Greater knowledge about the capability of the product.

·  Higher cost of using the best available commercial EO product. The existing stock of maps and mapping tools (including LiDAR and other aerial photography) is considered good enough in many cases. Organizations may lack the budget to motivate using this EO product to replace these existing resources and methods.

High utilisation

Critical gaps related to relevant user needs

Guideline gap

UN11: Realistic assessment of accessibility to assets

UN27: Need to assess historical trends and baseline of natural assets.

Utilisation gap

UN38: Need for trustworthy time series of reliable data on assets.

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