EUSPA’s mission and responsibilities and how the EU Space Programme supports EU policies like the Green Deal and the Digital Agenda. You can read the full interview here
Fit for 55 package: Council reaches general approaches relating to emissions reductions and their social impacts
Synspective released the first images from the Japanese startup's second synthetic aperture radar satellite, StriX-β, launched in March. Synspective's first commercial satellite, StriX-1, is scheduled to launch later this year. By around 2026, the company plans to operate a constellation of 30 SAR satellites.
What makes imagery from Pléiades Neo different? How easy the Living Library is to use. Access 30cm, 50cm and 1.5m resolution imagery all in one place
World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC) is looking for inspiring people who are making a difference in the geospatial ecosystem. Do you know any such championing diversity, equity, and inclusion? They should be nominated so they can win this Award!
Euroconsult's WSBW 2022. The 25th edition of the World Satellite Business Week is coming to Paris 12 -16 September. EUSPA will be there to discuss how the Agency supports companies integrating European space into their business solutions.
EU Space Week is set to happen 3 – 6 October in Prague. More information and registration will be coming soon!. EU Space Week 2022, the go-to event for Europe’s space community, is happening 3 – 6 October in Prague, Czech Republic.
The Netherlands Space Office, together with dotSPACE are organising information and network sessions about European funding calls in a series of webinars.
CODES: The Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES) is a global platform that advances action by governments, companies, and civil society as part of the implementation process for the UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. It brings together a multi-stakeholder community to co-design and deliver collaborative action towards achieving a digital planet for global sustainability. Join here.
The 25th edition of the World Satellite Business Week is coming to Paris 12 -16 September. EUSPA will be there to discuss how the Agency supports companies integrating European space into their business solutions.
2nd European Defence and Security Conference- 11 October 2022
From EUROGINew and open funding opportunities: New and open funding opportunities: The next deadline for the Horizon Europe Cluster 4 – World leading data and computing technologies (Destination 3) calls is set for 05/04/2022 [Read here]The next deadline for the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) is set for 17/05/2022 [Read here]
Methods for exploiting data and knowledge for extremely precise outcomes (analysis, prediction, decision support), reducing complexity and presenting insights in understandable way (RIA) (Deadline 05/04/22) [Read here]
Extreme data mining, aggregation and analytics technologies and solutions (RIA) (Deadline 05/04/22) [Read here]
Innovative tools and business models (Deadline 07/04/22) [Read here]
Artificial intelligence, big data and democracy (Deadline 20/04/22) [Read here]
Scaling up multi-party computation, data anonymisation techniques, and synthetic data generation (Deadline 21/04/22) [Read here]
Technologies and solutions for data trading, monetizing, exchange and interoperability (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA) (Deadline 22/04/22) [Read here]
Replicable solutions for a cross sector compliant energy ecosystem (Deadline 26/04/22) [Read here]
Federated European infrastructure for cancer images data (Deadline 17/05/22) [Read here]
NEW! Call for proposals - Data for Cultural Heritage (Deadline 17/05/22) [Read here]
Security (law enforcement): AI-based pilot (Deadline 17/05/22) [Read here]
EUSPA is hiring! Current vacancies include Ground System Service Provision Engineer, Galileo System Evolution Manager, Operator at the Galileo Security Monitoring Centre (GSMC) and Secured Communications Engineer. Checked out EUSPA’s latest job vacancies and procurement opportunities?
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