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columngeneric,Thematic ,Sector
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worklog365|5|8|y w d h m|y w d h m

ProductGenericThematicSectorEO Service

Investment management

Green Finance

Due Diligence and Monitoring Assets

Monitoring Green Finance

Land use

Asset Accessibility Assessment

Natural hazard risk analysis

Natural assets time series analysis

Climate resilient flood management

Urban properties geolocations map

Crop Type and Acreage Mapping

Investment management

Insurance management

Due Diligence and Monitoring Assets

Validating Self Reports

Land use

Monitoring crop productivity

Assessing Crop Types’ of impact on sustainable and environmental investments

Crop damage map

Crop Phenology, Rotation, and Number of Seasons

Investment management

Insurance management

Land useMonitoring crop productivity
Tillage, and Crop Residue Cover Practices

Investment management

Insurance management

Land useMonitoring crop productivity
Green Biomass and Yield estimation

Investment management

Risk analysis

Land useMonitoring crop productivity
Milk and Cattle (in weight) Productivity EstimationInvestment management
Land use
Monitoring Reforestation and Deforestation Activities

Green finance

Risk analysis

Land useNatural assets time series analysis
Trees Counting

Investment management

Green finance

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Land use
Building InventoryInvestment management
Land useUrban properties geolocations map
Mapping Travel Times to Assets

Investment management

Risk analysis

Land useAsset Accessibility Assessment
WorldPop – Population Counts

Investment management

Green finance

Land useBusiness activities' impact on ecosystems and biodiversity
Monitoring Solar Panel Installations

Green finance

Insurance management

Land useBusiness activities' impact on ecosystems and biodiversity
Monitoring Changes in Port Activity Patterns

Investment management

Green finance

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Land use
Stock Changes in Oil TanksInvestment management
Land use
Lithology and Surficial Geology MappingInvestment management
Land use
Predicting Terrorism Hotspots

Investment management

Risk analysis

Land useSecurity risk analysis
Land Cover Maps

Investment management

Green finance

Risk analysis

Land cover

Natural assets time series analysis

Climate resilient flood management

Crop Health (Diseases and Pests detection)

Investment management

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Land cover
Vegetation Height EstimationInvestment management
Land cover
Nighttime Light MonitoringInvestment management
Land cover
Drought Monitoring at the Assets Level

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Natural disaster

Natural hazard risk analysis

Client risk mapping

Post Wildfires Monitoring (Area and Severity)

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Natural disaster
Wildfires Danger Forecasting

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Natural disaster

Natural hazard risk analysis

Client risk mapping

Natural hazard prediction

Identification of Flood Hazard Areas

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Natural disaster

Natural hazard risk analysis

Client risk mapping

Natural hazard prediction

Climate resilient flood management

Identification of Trends Related to Shifts in Rainfall PatternsRisk analysis
Natural disaster

Natural hazard risk analysis

Client risk mapping

Climate resilient flood management

GHG Emissions MonitoringGreen finance
Climate change
Estimation of Above-Ground Carbon Stocks in ForestsGreen finance
Climate changeAssessing tree health condition and forest carbon sequestration
Impact of increased temperatures on soil moisture and vegetation condition

Investment management

Green finance

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Climate changeMonitor temperature increase on assets
Heat Hazard Map

Investment management

Green finance

Risk analysis

Climate changeMonitor temperature increase on assets
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry for Port and Coastal Monitoring

Investment management

Risk analysis

Coastal management
Coastal Erosion

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Coastal managementGeohazards prediction
Fish Stock AssessmentInvestment management
Oil Spill Detection

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Ship Detection and CategorizationInvestment management
Monitoring Highway and Railway Networks

Investment management

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Earth’s surface motionGeohazards prediction
Dams’ Safety

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Earth’s surface motion

Geohazards prediction

Sea level risk monitoring

Surveillance of Oil and Gas Pipelines for Geohazard and Ground Subsidence Vulnerabilities

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Earth’s surface motionGeohazards prediction
Monitor Slow-Moving Subsidence

Risk analysis

Insurance management

Earth’s surface motionGeohazards prediction