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Users in defence and security work in the field of military, emergency and social protection and define, collect, analyse information to provide
intelligence & safety (monitor events, improve response and drive resilience). Some examples are activities under humanitarian response such as border control organisations, police and rescue forces, coast guards, civil protection, military services, and intelligence services which can use EO services to detect and monitor high risk areas produced naturally or by humans, monitor border incursions or maritime movements.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Monitor air quality

Monitor pollution in rivers and lakes

Monitor building development

Assess land value, ownership, type, use

Market Sector


EO Services

Local and regional planners

Town / city authorities,
Regional governments,
Architects and

Assess changes in land use and quality

Detect land movement; subsidence, heave

Measure land-use statistics

Monitor high risk areas

Assess pressures on populations and migration

Assess changes to urban and rural areas

Map urban areas

Monitor urban development

Emergency & Social Protection

Coast guards,
ambulance services,
fire services,
police services,
civil protection organisations,
rescue services.

Detect and monitor arid areas

Detect and monitor wildfires

Map and assess flooding

Forecast and assess landslides

Assess and monitor volcanic activity

Forecast and map large waves

Assess damage from earthquakes

Monitor snow cover

Detect and monitor hurricanes and typhoonsEducation, training and research

Schools and Education Authorities,
Research Organisations,
Professional Training Organisations.

Assess changes in the carbon balance

Assess climate change risk

Map geological features

Monitor high risk areas

Assess changes to urban and rural areas

Security, Defence & Military

Border control organisations,
police and rescue forces,
military services,
intelligence Services.

Monitor land border incursions

Detect sensitive risk areas

Monitor high risk areas

Assess pressures on populations and migrations

Detect ships in critical areas.

Humanitarian Operations

Humanitarian aid and support organisations such as:

European level (DG RELEX; DG ECHO, DG ENV / MIC),
international level (IFRC, WHO, WB, donor organisations),
national level (Civil Protection Agencies, Ministries of Internal Affairs / Civil Protection Department, Development and Aid Agencies).

Detect and monitor arid areas

Detect sensitive risk areas

Map disaster areas (Situation Awareness)

Monitor water use on crops and horticulture

Monitor humanitarian movement and camps

Assess pressures on populations and migration

Monitor air quality

Forecasting epidemics and diseases

Forecasting sunlight exposure