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DynaCrop is integrating EO to digital farming for higher yields, easier decisions, and more joy of farming. It harnesses power of EO to foster the data-driven change across the food value chain

SponsorProject Solution providerUser

farms and agricultural enterprises

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land use/land cover


land ecosystem

We create and provide data solutions for the farmers and industries that farmers rely on. Farmers, agri-cooperatives, agri-consultants, smart farming service providers, insurance organizations and companies, food & beverage companies, CAP stakeholders (farmers and paying agencies), traders and trading companies are some of already engaged users or potential users/consumers.

Usage of alpha version of Agrowth in the current running cultivation period for the cotton in Greece from several users:

  1. Neuropublic - Gaia Epixirein | Agri-consultants
  2. Farmers Cooperative of Orchomenos
  3. Cotton Farsala | Farmers Cooperative
  4. Farmers Cooperative of Thessaly "THESgi"

Neuropublic - OchraVine ControlImage Removed    Image Removed       Image Removed      Image Removed

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nameUser profile
id2047532054 provides a cloud system (SaaS) for comprehensive digitization of farms and agricultural enterprises. We combine data from many sources such as GPS units, weather stations, agricultural sensors, satellite imagery, forecasting models and more to help farmers make better decisions. Agdata is an open system that can be easily integrated with existing customer systems (payroll, accounting, weight, fuel, etc.).

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nameService description

DynaCrop is integrating EO to digital farming for higher yields, easier decisions, and more joy of farming. It harnesses power of EO to foster the data-driven change across the food value chain.

DynaCrop is a white-label ecosystem enabling companies in food value chain to use advanced information, statistics and intelligence based on EO. It provides ready-made crop monitoring, field statistics, application maps and soil moisture assessment on a global scale. Information is delivered through value-added platform (API, white label web application, QGIS plugin) and client is receiving sales support, user-centric consulting and R&D cooperation as part of the cooperation.

Instead of building another solution for farmers, DynaCrop pursues a synergy with companies already established in the food value chain and help them to integrate EO-based information at scale. In this way, it minimizes resources needed for EO integration (money, time, human resources) and provide clients with state-of-the art service and consulting at low costs.

Agrowth platform combines Earth Observation data along with pertinent vegetation indices, soil and weather data. It makes use of state of the art in Artificial Intelligence in order to support smart farming using EO data. Specifically, it provides a crop monitoring service which offers information and/or actionable advice at the parcel level.

In the current alpha version, the available services per parcel are:

  1. Phenology estimation: It estimates the current phenology stage of crop and the fuzzy transition of them in the course of time. Specifically, it provides the percentage of completion of each stage and it indicates the major and minor phenological stage in order to highlight this fuzziness of transition between of them.
  2. Weather Forecast: It visualizes the max and min ambient temperatures per parcel and it interplays with The user can be transferred at the click to ResAgri’s detailed weather information.
  3. Yield prediction: It predicts the yield in kg/ha, weeks earlier from the harvest.
  4. Vegetation Indices: It provides charts for the evolution of the vegetation indices NDVI, NDWI, PSRI and some crop specific indices.

Furthermore, there are some services for a quick overall view of the state of all available parcels on the map of user.

  1. Overlay Satellite Images: It allows to overlay satellite images (RGB or NDVI) over the users’ parcels for a chosen acquisition date and area of interest.
  2. Phenology Stage: It colors the outline of each parcel with a color equivalent to its major phenology stage.
  3. Crop Classification: It colors the outline of each parcel with a color equivalent to its crop.
  4. Daily sowing map: It provides a heatmap for the sowing period of cotton which estimates daily the risk of sowing in a 2km x 2km spatial grid.

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nameCustomer experience

Testimony from CottonFarsala about daily sowing map

“Several farmers went on with sowing their parcels even though the sowing maps indicated otherwise. The conditions of the short future were unfavorable and the farmers had to sow for a second time a couple of weeks later.”

Vaggelis Georgolopoulos - Agronomist | Cotton FarsalaWe use the DynaCrop service as a main source of satellite products. We appreciate the reliability of the service, cheap price and flexibility of the DynaCrop team that is always ready to solve our issues and consult our ideas.

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  • "I need to know when is the best time for sowing”
  • “I need to know when to apply pix (plant growth regulator) on my cotton fields”
  • “I need to know my expected yield early in the year so I can take relevant action”
  • “I need to know the occurrence of an imminent extreme weather event and the appropriate action I should take given the growth stage of my cultivation”

    The food production sector must undergo a major change in order to sustain food production for a growing population and turn sustainable and carbon-neutral at the same time. Earth Observation is bringing tools that support the transition, but their adoption is slow due to the high complexity of the issue.

    The main challenge observed it to "monitor and provide effective, timely and frequent consultation over large agricultural areas.”

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    DynaCrop service is currently fully operational. Therefore, the main technical challenges are in extending the service further.

    The key issues consist of:
    - Providing information in periods with high clouds occurrence. We are developing a multisensor data fusion vegetation ndex (Sentinel 1,2,3 + weather) using combinations of recurrent, neural and GAN networks.
    - Providing reliable extrapolation of soil organic carbon content based on fusion of EO and soil sampling
    - Extract and flag substantive anomalies in EO-based filed statistics and vegetation dynamics.
    Another technical challenge lies in optimizing methods for effective scaling up of the underlying infrastructure in moments with rapid increase in demand from customers.

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    • Enable companies in the food value chain to adopt EO-based services at scale
    • Support implementation of Farm-to-fork strategy across the value chain
    • Encourage regenerative farming and measure its impact
    • Support digital farming integrators in expanding the use of EO services

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    The benefits of the Agrowth platform are the following:

    • It estimates the current phenology stage of crop and the fuzzy transition of them in the course of time. → Producer/Farmer knows every time in what stage his/her crop is and he/she is able to take action.
    • It provides a heatmap for the sowing period of cotton which estimates daily the risk(high/medium/low) → Producer/Farmer has an indication about the right time of sowing, he/she is able to catch the possible sweet early window of April for cotton sowing.
    • It predicts the yield in kg/ha, weeks earlier from the harvest. → Producer/Farmer has a good estimation of yield weeks earlier.
    • It provides charts for the evolution of the vegetation indices NDVI, NDWI, PSRI and some crop specific indices. → Producer/Farmer has a good indication in order to monitor the vegetation health and the moisture of the crop.
    • It visualizes the max and min ambient temperatures per parcel and it interplays with →  Producer/Farmer has access to ResAgri’s detailed weather information in a 2km x 2km spatial resolution.

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