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  • Alba Orbital's mission to image the Earth every 15 minutes brings in $3.4M seed round
  • Albedo raises $10 million to offer ultra-high-resolution Earth imagery
  • AnsuR and UAV Navigation partner to bring satellite video streaming for UAVs
  • AWS chooses to partner with Seraphim for their new Space Accelerator. AWS Space Accelerator
  • Axelspace Series C Funding Draws In More Than $23 Million. Axelspace funds five of its ten Earth observation satellites
  • BlackSky Set For Weekend Launch of 8th and 9th Satellites
  • Financial Services Matures as a Market for Satellite Imagery
  • foursquare acquires geospatial analytics and visualizations platform Unfolded Releases New Wide-Area Scan Mode SAR Imagery Services . Keeping a wide area ICEYE over land and sea
  • LiveEO Enters Strategic Partnership with Planet, Setting Preconditions for Rapid Expansion
  • MethaneSAT
  • New partnership boosts access to high-quality satellite images
  • NGA Accelerator seeks second cohort of promising geospatial technology companies
  • NRO to sign deals with commercial providers of satellite radar imagery
  • OroraTech will monitor wildfires with Spire nanosatellite
  • Planet Joins New Coalition to Decarbonize Europe's Food System. More info here
  • Planet partner, Geospectrum to help Philippines in disaster management
  • SPAC Puts Spire on a Clear Path to $1 Billion Target
  • SSTL signs up Space-Eyes for NovaSAR data
  • Synthetaic awarded AFWERX contract to leverage synthetic data and AI-powered object detection
  • Telespazio and Viesgo join forces for a Space-based solution for early fire detection
  • Xylem, Esri partners in water technology and GIS to help utilities streamline data and insight
  • Woolpert, Planet Expand Partnership to Offer Geospatial Products in Government Market
    titleReports & Financial
  • Chinese Space sector continues world-leading post-Covid rebound: Euroconsult quarterly report. China Space Industry
  • Euroconsult: Assessment + Forecast: The Small Satellite Market. Read
  • Earth Observation Big Data Service Market Covid-19 Impact In-Depth Industry Analysis 2025
  • Emerging Space Investment Analysis, 3rd Edition  (ESIA3)
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) Market SWOT Analysis, Trends by Types and Application
  • GIS Industry Market 2021
  • Global Earth Observation Satellite, Data and Service Market 2021
  • Global Methane Assessment report

  • InSAR Market Size and Growth 2021-2027
  • Mobile Value-added Services (MVAS) Market In-depth Segmentation Analysis 2021-2028
  • Precision Farming Market SWOT Analysis by Size, Status and Forecast to 2021-2027
  • Satellite-based Earth Observation Services Market

    titleContracts & Projects
    titleEmbrace markets
  • Adapting to a Changing Threat Spectrum with Real-time Information
  • Artificial intelligence is mining the gold in satellite data. CGI Listicle can also be downloaded here.
  • Application of Digital Twin technology goes beyond cities and AEC

  • Carbon Mapper Launches Satellite Program To Pinpoint Methane And CO2 Super Emitters. Learn more about Planet’s role in Carbon Mapper here.

  • Carbon Farming—What is it and what does it mean for global sustainability efforts?
  • CGG Delivers 9,300 sq km of Data from Agata Reimaging to Support Brazil’s 7th Bidding Round
  • conversation with Awais Ahmed, co-founder and CEO of Pixxel
  • Copernicus, a solution to the challenges of Public Administrations"! In this video (link)
  • Data forest (an open data platform containing a wealth of information on forest resources, a main report with the detailed findings of the data analysis, a digital report: a fresh perspective with a summary overview of the world's forests – a five-minute read )
  • Data privacy trends to watch out for in 2021

  • Desert Dust Monitoring Service [DustHUB]
  • Digital Earth Africa is now a GEO initiative

  • EARTO Communication on “A New Industrial Strategy for Europe”
  • Epirus Region: How satellite imagery helped in identifying the risk of coastal water eutrophication. Read more
  • European State of the Climate edition prepared by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, 2020 has been the hottest year ever recorded in Europe
  • EU Green Week Partner Event

  • Esri Partners with International Community to Scale GIS Technology for Sustainable Development
  • First Pléiades Neo EO Satellite Safely Delivered in Orbit
  • Geospatial data for smart growth
  • Geospatial information to implement Sustainable Development Goals

  • Here’s how NASA keeps track of Earth’s cryosphere
  • 'Interstellar vision: Europe's space business plan' published at euronews. (link)
  • Incorporating "Where" in Open Scientific Analysis to Understand Earth Systems Processes
  • Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation to further strengthen evidence-based policymaking (link)
  • Measuring NOx levels as an indicator of economic activity
  • Mercator Ocean International fully engaged in the #EUGREENWEEK 2021 for #ZeroPollution

  • Monitoring coastal changes in Greece
  • National (US) Baseline of High-resolution 3D Data​
  • NASA data helps builds resilience as disasters grow more intense
  • NEREUS Annual report for 2020 (link)
  • NICFI’s Universal Access To Satellite Monitoring Paves The Way To Protect The World’s Tropical Forests

  • Renewed climate change fight bodes well for Earth observation sectors
  • OGC appoints three new members to its Board of Directors
  • OGC CEO Dr Nadine Alameh Appointed to Board of UN-GGIM Private Sector Network
  • Online Management Presentation: Uniting Viticulture and Technology for a Greener Planet
  • Planet Explore 2021. Call for Speakers 

  • Planetary computer for a sustainable future.
  • Pléiades Neo constellation satellite safely delivered in orbit. Pleiades Neo Launches with 30 Meter Resolutions
  • Preserve Our Oceans in the Portugal Space Atlantic Challenge
  • US

    titleEmbrace markets

  • Satellites play vital role in detecting climate change, say scientists
  • Satellite measurements of air quality and greenhouse gases: application to regulatory activities
  • Satellite imagery key to Google Earth.
  • Saving the planet from space: how satellite observation can help tackle climate change
  • Seismic Data Firm CGG Launches Pollution Monitoring Solution
  • Space-based technology that enables charities and local authorities to deliver vital support to the people who need help as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has been successfully piloted in the UK.
  • Space Is the Next Economic Frontier
  • Space-Based Earth Observations for Climate Security
  • SpaceBridge ASAT™ WaveSwitch™ Artificial Intelligence (AI) Triggers 
  • SAR Data Offers Unique Opportunity for GEOINT Sector
  • Synergies between GNSS and Earth Observation
  • The Commission’s Space for Infrastructure and Building Monitoring Challenge!
  • Two Earth-observation satellites lost in Rocketlab launch failure
  • Understanding and monitoring urbanisation with Copernicus
  • What a glacial river reveals about the Greenland ice sheet
  • World's largest iceberg breaks off Antarctic shelf

  • CAPIGI Webinar co-organised with Planet. Click here
  • CAPIGI will host a webinar "Digital Agriculture: Applying automated workflows and artificial intelligence". Register here and learn more about this topic.
  • Consultation EU and the Member States in designing digital rules and regulations that deliver the benefits of digitalisation for all citizens. Learn more here.
  • Copernicus Industry Workshop 2021 (link)
  • Copernicus Masters 2021 competition launched
  • "Digital Agriculture: Applying automated workflows and artificial intelligence.". CAPIGI.EU
  • e-GEOS that focusses on the New frontiers of Radar based applications COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation: the best SAR constellation on the market integrated with SAOCOM in a unique combination of SAR Systems clicking here.
  • Education can empower the future of Europe. [Read here]
  • EOcafe 'Index Insurance – A new Business Opportunity?'
  • ESA competition to springboard SMEs into international markets - EARSC
  • ESA, NASA and JAXA launch EO hackathon
  • EMEA + Asia Digital Forum
  • EO4GEO- Skills development in Earth Observation and Copernicus User Uptake: the present and future of Coastal and Maritime sector- The Azorean case (link)
  • EU Green Week 2021 (link)
  • European Research and Innovation Days. [Read here]
  • Forest monitoring R&D in the tropics - 14-15 June

  • Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam (20 – 22 October 2021).
  • Hack the PLanet. Competition
  • How a leading space agency is preparing their data for the future of analytics 
  • Is remote sensing a replacement for ground-based monitoring of critical infrastructure?
  • IGARSS 2021 (link)
  • INSPIRE Candidate Good Practice Webinar is Online

  • International Conference on Digital Age  & Technological Advances for sustainable development 
  • Join Planet’s EU Green Week Partner Event: Register Now
  • Margrethe Vestager explains the EU's position in the global battle for data [Watch here]
  • MarineData4Asia: New event by the Copernicus Marine Service (link)
  • Nereus Horizon Europe Webinar with the Commission (link).
  • Networking Fridays
  • Sharing geospatial data on the environment – evaluation (INSPIRE Directive), deadline 12/07. [Participate here]
  • SWF Summit for Space Sustainability
  • Switch to Space (YOU Space)
  • UN COPUOS Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities – Dr. P. Martinez & S. Di Pippo (link)
  • Φ-WEEK 2021 – Call for proposal : Side Events, Virtual Exhibit and E-posters
  • 119th OGC Member Meeting

  • Opportunities

    • ELITE digital membership brought to you by ESA Investor Forum. Access opportunity  here now. ELITE Digital

    • Invitation to Tender: “Ocean Health” (Deadline 28/06
  • Calls 2022 – Tentative dates
  • Call for Nominations for the GEO SDG 2021 Awards!
  • Digital Skills and Jobs Platform: the one-stop-shop to close Europe’s digital skills gap [Read here]
  • GIS4Schools 
  • Europe's Digital Decade: Commission launches consultation and discussion on EU digital principles [Read here]
  • European Commission launches survey to evaluate European Research Area policy framework, deadline 24/05 [Participate here]
  • Frontex: Framework Contract for the Provision of Services for Business Content Development Related to the Data Management and Analytics Software Used by Frontex (Deadline 09/06). [Read here]
  • HEurope. The programme currently has new open calls relevant for clusters.
  • Multiple Framework Contract with Reopening of Competition for Provision of Services for Geographic Information Systems and Geospatial Intelligence/Imagery Intelligence Consultancy-under T&M Conditions. (Deadline 18/04
    • ). [Read here]
    • Service Contract for the Provision of ‘Study on Enhancement of the Maritime Surveillance by Applying Algorithms for Behaviour Analysis. (Deadline 29/06). [Read here]
  • Sharing geospatial data on the environment – evaluation (INSPIRE Directive), deadline 12/07. [Participate here]
    • The 3rd IMPACT EdTech open call is now open (Deadline 30/06). [Read here]
  • ESA Business Opportunities page.› RACE Dashboard Challenges 2021
  • EUSPA is currently hiring 20+ motivated professionals.
    Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S) Applications
    Intelligent Transport
    Space for Urban Air Mobility
    Immersive Reality
    Smart and Uncrewed Shipping
    NHS Future Hospitals Initiative
    Open call for proposals 2020 (FUTURE EO-1 programme)
    Call for proposals for Downstream Applications in ARTES 4.0
    Space Resources
    Circular Economy
    Commercial Space Transportation Services open call for proposals
    NAVISP open call for proposals
    Investing in industrial innovation – INCUBED
  • Expand
  • Impact of Covid-19 on Satellite Based Earth Observation Market 2020-2028
  • Impact of Covid-19 on Remote Sensing Laser Systems\
  • NASA, ESA, JAXA Host Hackathon To Study COVID-19's Environmental Effects

  • Expand
    Potential Impact of COVID-19 on Industrial Operational Intelligence Solutions Market

    titleSocial Media
