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  • Summary: Pipeline Encroachment Monitoring

Pipeline Encroachment Monitoring

Over the past decade and more there has been an ongoing development with C-CORE/via+ to integrate the use of satellite data into encroachment and ground deformation monitoring of pipeline right-of-ways (RoWs). Several developments, pilot programs, and now, operational monitoring programs have been executed.

The main focus for this case study is the use of satellite imagery for the detection of third party mechanical damage threats. Detection accuracies are reaching the thresholds required for this service.  False alarms are still a challenge that is being addressed.

Hard numbers on the value or return of this service are not available; however the service provided a significant enhancement to the awareness of the activities adjacent to the pipeline and the potential threats they may pose.

We are looking for ways to cost effectively integrate multiple satellite sensors into this application to expand the number of relevant indicators that can be monitored and reported on. For more information, click here.

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