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Stockpile Monitoring
ProductGenericThematicSectorEO Service
Air Quality - CH4Atmosphere & ClimateAtmosphereMonitor Air Quality and Emissions
Air Quality - CO2Atmosphere & ClimateAtmosphereMonitor Air Quality and Emissions
Air Quality - NO2 & SO2Atmosphere & ClimateAtmosphereMonitor Air Quality and Emissions
Air Quality - Particulate MatterAtmosphere & ClimateAtmosphereMonitor Air Quality and Emissions
WeatherAtmosphere & ClimateMeteorologyForecast weather
Surface subsidenceBuilt EnvironmentUrban AreasMonitor Urban Surroundings
Building and Settlement MapBuilt EnvironmentInfrastructureMonitor constructions
Infrastructure Stability MonitoringBuilt EnvironmentInfrastructureAsset Infrastructure Monitoring
Mapping and Monitoring of Transport NetworkBuilt EnvironmentInfrastructureMonitor transport networks
Monitoring of InfrastructureBuilt EnvironmentInfrastructureAsset Infrastructure Monitoring
Crop Health MonitoringLandAgricultureMonitor crops
Cultural HeritageLandLand useMonitor land cover and detect change
Demonstration of Rehabilitation/RevegetationLandLand useMonitor land cover and detection change
ElevationLandTopographyBaseline mapping
Geological MappingLandGeologyMap geological features
Geophysical AssessmentLandGeologyMap geological features
Ground Water MonitoringLandInland waterAssess ground water and run-off
Hydrological Network Surface Water DynamicsLandInland waterAssess and monitor water bodies
Land Disturbed by Mining ActivitiesLandLand useMonitor land cover and detection change
Land progressively rehabilitatedLandLand useMonitor land cover and detection change
Land Use MappingLandLand useMeasure Land Use statistics
Lithology and Surficial Geology MappingLandGeologyMonitor mineral extraction
National MonumentsLandTopographyDetect and monitor ground movement
Orthophoto MapLandLand useAssess land value, ownership, type
Protected AreasLandLand useAssess land value, ownership and type
Soil MoistureLandInland waterAssess ground water and run-off
Soil Structure and ChemistryLandLand EcosystemsMonitor land pollution
Stockpile MeasurementLandLand useMonitor land cover and detect change
Vegetation MappingLandTopographyBaseline mapping
Waste Accumulation MonitoringLandLand EcosystemsMonitor land pollution and change
Water QualityLandInland WaterAssess and monitor water bodies
Tailings Dam MonitoringLandGeologyMonitor Mineral Extraction
Pit Slope StabilityLandGeologyMonitor Mineral Extraction

