

Page 2 of 4. Showing 31 results (0.018 seconds)

  1. INnovative multi-sensor network for DEformation and Seismic Monitoring of Urban Subsidence-prone Areas

    technology_watch services_watch
    EO WikiJun 10, 2020
  2. Satellite navigation & EO (PARSEC)

    Link to the article: The innovation potential of synergies between Satellite Navigation and Earth Observation positioning_watch
    EO WikiJun 07, 2021
  3. Dimensions Multi-Purpose Land Information System - 5DMuPLIS

    geosystems_hellas land urban technology_watch services_watch
    EO WikiJun 10, 2020
  4. Robotics (PARSEC)

    Link to the article: Robotics for agriculture uav_watch
    EO WikiJun 07, 2021
  5. Drones & HAPS (PARSEC)

    Link to the article: Drones and HAPS bringing new opportunities closer to the Earth uav_watch
    EO WikiJun 07, 2021
  6. Networking & Communications technologies (PARSEC)

    Link to the article: Networking and communications technologies communication_watch
    EO WikiJun 07, 2021
  7. Ready, Steady.... Analyse Data (e-shape)

    Link to the article: Ready, Steady…. Analyse Data services_watch
    EO WikiJun 08, 2021
  8. Tide gauges in Orbit: Applications of Satellite Altimetry (e-shape)

    Link to the article: Tide Gauges in Orbit: Applications of Satellite Altimetry services_watch
    EO WikiJun 08, 2021
  9. IoT in Smart Cities (PARSEC)

    Link to the Article: IoT in Smart Cities services_watch
    EO WikiJun 07, 2021
  10. Planetary Digital Twin (e-shape)

    Link to the article: The opportunity and challenge of building a Planetary Digital Twin services_watch
    EO WikiJun 07, 2021