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I am delighted to blog that after 27 years of existence, today EARSC has taken its own office for the very first time!!

A few years ago we did rent an office but it was never occupied except for a few times by directors passing through Brussels and never by the executive. We now have a working base where the team will be located every day and which will become our new home. It is an exciting day in what should be an exciting year!

I signed the lease this afternoon and we shall move in to our new home in the next few weeks. 1st march is our target, but we have some changes to make and we shall certainly be in there before the middle of the month. We share the offices with two other companies one of which 'Evenflow' we work very closely and they support us in a number of our projects.

We look forward to welcoming members to the new EARSC Office at 26, Rue de la Loi, (on the corner above Arts-Loi metro for those who know Brussels) and to further developments in the evolution of the Association in the next few months,


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