Photo: Port Marseille-Fos as seen by Sentinel-2 satellite on the 28th of June, 2023.
Varying water turbidity (color) reflects the variability of the water quality in the vicinity of the coast.
“EO4 the port of the future” is an ESA-funded project (4000143660/24/I-DT- EO Best Practice 2023 Industry Sector C) that investigates how the use of state-of-the-art EO and geoinformatics can operationally be used to enhance the port operations serving the port business operations, but also the security and environmental sustainability of ports and harbors. The traditional processes used by port operators are examined, in order to enhance them with potential using modern approaches, and innovative concepts not yet fully implemented, like automated processes and cloud-based platforms, are incorporated to optimize port performance metrics.
As a result, a comprehensive framework to utilize EO data in the port sector will be conceptualized and implemented at the GTIF platform. Within the project, industry best practice guidelines will be derived via extensive partners’ and stakeholders' collaboration, to ensure optimal exploitation of EO solutions in ports in alignment with EU and international regulations.
The development of a holistic set of data-driven applications could enhance efficiency, security, and sustainability while ensuring the resilience of these critical gateways of global trade.
In EO4Ports, GSH is the prime contractor and is responsible for project management and the organization of all activities including subcontractor management to perform the project in an effective and efficient manner. GSH is also responsible for the development of a high-level roadmap for turning the current EO capabilities into best practice EO guidelines and development of the 3rd EO Product.
OHB contributes expertise in EO technologies, taking over a major role in collecting geoinformation requirements and development of the 2nd EO Product.
CREO contributes expertise in the development of product specifications and implementation plans for the three EO products tailored to port operations and development of the 1st EO Product. EarthDaily Analytics contributes to the evaluation of the current state of EO technologies and platforms for ports and pinpointing of gaps in EO data applications.
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