"Unlocking the Potential of Earth Observation for the Mining Sector: Practical Applications" (23rd June 2020)
→ How can satellite based products and services help the mining sector create value?
Introduction to the Earth Observation for Raw Materials project by Zoltan Bartalis (ESA) and Ton Peters (Deltares)
Demonstration of ground stability monitoring application making use of InSAR for 2 cases
Open pit failure, Madenkoy mine, Turkey
Tailings dam failure, Cadia Hill mine, Australia
By Stephen Weston (LTMS) and Arjan Tabak (S&T Netherlands)
Demonstration Stockpile measurements making use of earth observation for 2 cases
Skorpion mine Namibia
Belgard quarry, Ireland
By Stephen Weston (LTMS) and Erik van de Pieterman (S&T Netherlands)
Demonstration on the Earth Observation for Raw Materials EARSC portal by Norman Kiesslich (GeoVille)
Webinar recording of ‘Unlocking the potential of earth observation for the mining sector: practical applications’. Date of recording: Tuesday June 23, 2020
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