Alpine grasslands and wild ungulate populations

SponsorProject Solution providerUser

Protected Area Managers, Scientists, Environmental Assessment Agencies, restoration EU policy


Assess land ecosystems and biodiversity

Assess & monitor wetlands

Monitor  & assess snow cover


Snow cover data, Gross Primary Productivity Proxies, Phenological metrics for continental areas, Hydroperiod metrics, Land Cover. Land Cover changes from Sentinel-2 Time Series.

Park biologist Ramona Viterbi (GPNP) said: “Remote sensing observations provide coherent information on the state of the environment in the Gran Paradiso National Park, including snow cover, surface temperature, biological variables (GPP and others). RS observations also allow for upscaling of in-situ measurements, such as those provided by the field stations measuring carbon and water fluxes in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system and providing information on the health state of Alpine grassland.  In addition, remote sensing products directly supported the monitoring of fauna and habitat, providing frequent and detailed surveys that are useful for park management. Indirectly, RS products could be used to estimate the relationships between fauna and habitat, such as, for example, the link of the changes in phenology with herbivore population dynamics.”

  • "I need to know when is the best time for sowing”
  • “I need to know when to apply pix (plant growth regulator) on my cotton fields”
  • “I need to know my expected yield early in the year so I can take relevant action”
  • “I need to know the occurrence of an imminent extreme weather event and the appropriate action I should take given the growth stage of my cultivation”

The main challenge observed it to "monitor and provide effective, timely and frequent consultation over large agricultural areas.”

The benefits of the Agrowth platform are the following:

  • It estimates the current phenology stage of crop and the fuzzy transition of them in the course of time. → Producer/Farmer knows every time in what stage his/her crop is and he/she is able to take action.
  • It provides a heatmap for the sowing period of cotton which estimates daily the risk(high/medium/low) → Producer/Farmer has an indication about the right time of sowing, he/she is able to catch the possible sweet early window of April for cotton sowing.
  • It predicts the yield in kg/ha, weeks earlier from the harvest. → Producer/Farmer has a good estimation of yield weeks earlier.
  • It provides charts for the evolution of the vegetation indices NDVI, NDWI, PSRI and some crop specific indices. → Producer/Farmer has a good indication in order to monitor the vegetation health and the moisture of the crop.
  • It visualizes the max and min ambient temperatures per parcel and it interplays with →  Producer/Farmer has access to ResAgri’s detailed weather information in a 2km x 2km spatial resolution.


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