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Please complete the EARSC industry survey. If you have not already, contact us on

The EO sector is changing rapidly with vast new data sets becoming available, cloud computing and big-data technology being deployed and many new initiatives being launched. Knowing what is happening in an industry sector is a fundamental need for policy makers taking decisions on new initiatives. Given these rapid changes in the EO sector and the significant investments being made by both public and private sectors, industry statistics and trends are more important today than has ever been the case.

Every 2 years, EARSC undertakes to complete a detailed analysis of the EO service sector in Europe. It is the most comprehensive survey carried out. It is a hindcast not a forecast since it is looking at companies performance and views covering the previous 12 months. Nevertheless the build-up of information leads us to be able to look at trends.

This years’ is the 3rd EARSC survey (the previous ones were 2013 and 2015). Our 3rd survey should be particularly interesting as it will reflect a consistent methodology and a relatively stable industry base which has been interviewed.

This year has proven more difficult than others to assemble the data. Companies are both busy responding to H2020 calls and other bid opportunities as well as suffering from survey fatigue. We are nearing the end of our data gathering period (end of March) and we still need responses. This year, the EC is carrying out its assessment of the early results of the Copernicus programme and it is vital for all companies that we are able to provide accurate statistics and trends.

We have 2 weeks to go. We should like to have a record number of companies responding and especially we should especially like to hear from both EARSC members and those which have completed it in previous years. The former because if you are a member of EARSC you have a strong interest that we can represent the industry in an authoritative way – based on sound data.

So this is a final plea to all European companies involved in some way in the delivery of EO data or geo-information services to complete our survey questionnaire. Even if you only manage the first few sections it will be of help to us and should only take you a few minutes. If you can carry on to the end we are even more grateful!

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