Exploration activities have the potential to have an impact on others.  In particular the more invasive exploration operations, such as trenching and core drilling, have a greater chance of impacting or causing disruption to others.

Exploration companies must carry out an assessment of the area on which they wish to carry out exploration works and ensure they understand the baseline conditions.  Controls may be necessary to minimise impact and or compensation may need to be arranged with land owners if there is any loss to be incurred (for example a farmer may need to take animals away from the exploration site and would need to be compensated for the lack of access to grazing grounds). The exploration company must be able to provide assurance to affected parties that the lands have not been impacted by the exploration activities and are safe to be used again for their previous purpose (in particular in relation to agriculture, assurance will need to be provided to demonstrate that the area has been fully remediated and all mineralised material that may have been deposited on the ground has been removed).

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