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EO4OG defined products to meet the challenges. Each product is defined by a product sheet which will open in a new window when clicked upon.

The products are categorised by "thematic" and "sector according to the EARSC taxonomy.

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ProductGenericThematicSectorEO Service
Agricultural landon-shoreLandEcosystemsAssess environmental impact of human activities
Asset Monitoringon-shoreBuilt environmentInfrastructureAsset infrastructure monitoring
Bathymetryoff-shoreMarineCoastalMap water depth or charting
Building inventoryon-shoreBuilt environmentInfrastructureMonitor construction and buildings 
Chlorophyll-a concentration (Qualitative)off-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Chlorophyll-a concentration (Quantitative)off-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Coastal land coveroff-shoreMarineCoastalMonitor the coast line
Coastal land cover changeoff-shoreMarineCoastalMonitor the coast line
Coastline monitoringon-shoreMarinecoastalMonitor the coast line
CO2on-shoreAtmosphere & climateAir qualityMonitor atmosphere composition
Critical habitat mappingon-shoreLandEcosystemsMonitor land ecosystems and biodiversity
Cross swell mapsoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor current movement and drift   
Detected swell mapsoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor current movement and drift 
Elevationon-shoreLandTopographyBaseline mapping 
Encroachment monitoringon-shoreBuilt environmentInfrastructureMonitor vegetation encroachment
Engineering geology evaluationon-shoreLandGeologyMap geological features 
Erosion potential mappingon-shoreLandTopographyMeasure detect land surface change 
Faults and discontinuitieson-shoreLandGeologyMap geological features  
Fault identification and reactivationon-shoreLandGeologyMap geological features  
Flood extenton-shoreGeohazardsFloodsMap and assess flooding 
Floodplain mapping and flood risk assessmenton-shoreGeohazardsFloodsMap and assess flooding 
Forest above-ground biomass estimationson-shoreLandForestsMonitor forest resources 
Forest fire and risk mappingon-shoreGeohazardsFiresDetect and monitor wildfires 
Geomorphology mapon-shoreLandGeologyMap geological features 
Historical surface deformationon-shoreLandTopographyBaseline mapping
Hurricane tracksoff-shoreMarineMetoceanDetect and monitor hurricanes and typhoons
Hydrocarbon seep detectionon-shoreLandEcosystemsIdentify hydrocarbon seeps in soil 
Hydrological network and catchment areaon-shoreLandInland waterAssess ground water and run-off
Iceberg monitoringoff-shoreMarineSea-iceDetect and monitor ice risk at sea
Infrastructure planning and monitoringon-shoreBuilt environmentInfrastructureMonitor buildings and construction
Land cover and land cover change characterisationon-shoreLandLand coverMonitor land cover and detect change 
Land use and land use changeon-shoreLandEcosystemsMonitor land cover and detect change  
Linear disturbance featureson-shoreLandLand useMonitor vegetation encroachment 
Lithology and surface geology mappingon-shoreLandGeologyMap geological features 
Mapping and prediction of near-surface featureson-shoreLandGeologyMap geological features 
Methane emission monitoringon-shoreAtmosphere & climateClimateMonitor atmospheric composition
Metocean featuresoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean winds and waves
NO2 and SO2on-shoreAtmosphere & climateClimateMonitor atmosphere composition
Ocean colour compositeoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Ocean colour swathoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Ocean circulation - global currentsoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean movement and drift
Oil slicks and spillsoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsDetect and monitor oil slicks
Oil spill threatsoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsDetect and monitor oil slicks
Oil spill sensitivity mappingon-shoreMarineCoastalMonitor coastal ecosystem
Particulate matteron-shoreAtmosphere & climateClimateMonitor air quality & Emissions 
Permafrost zone stability / frost heaving /discontinuous permafroston-shoreLandTopographyDetect and monitor ground movement
Pipeline corridor statuson-shoreLand Land useMonitor vegetation encroachment
Plumesoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor marine habitats
Reservoir compartmentalisationon-shoreLandTopographyDetect and monitor ground movement
Reservoir management and optimisationon-shoreLandTopographyDetect and monitor ground movement
River / lake iceon-shoreLandInland waterMonitor ice on rivers and lakes 
Sea ice classification - habitat indicatorsoff-shoreMarineSea-iceDetect and monitor ice-risk at sea
Sea surface salinity compositeoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Sea surface salinity modeloff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Sea surface salinity - swathoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Sea surface temperature modeloff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Sea surface temperature swath - microwaveoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Sea surface temperature swath - radiometeroff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor ocean quality and productivity
Sediment concentration (qualitative)off-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor marine habitats 
Sediment concentration (quantitative)off-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor marine habitats 
Seismic coupling risk mapon-shoreLandGeologyMap seismic survey operations 
Seismic logistics operation map and base-camp mappingon-shoreLandEcosystemsMonitor land cover and detect change
Shorelineoff-shoreMarineCoastalMonitor the coast line
Shoreline changeoff-shoreMarineCoastalMonitor the coast line
Slope. curvature, aspecton-shoreLandTopographyBaseline mapping 
Slope stabilityon-shoreLandTopographyBaseline mapping
Soft groundon-shoreLandEcosystemsMonitor land cover and detect change
Soil sealingon-shoreLandEcosystemsMonitor land cover and detect change
Solar radiationoff-shoreAtmosphere & climateAtmosphereForecasting sunlight exposure
Structural geologyon-shoreLandGeologyMap geological features
Sub-tidal habitatoff-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor marine habitats
Surface currents - delayedoff-shoreMarineMetocean Forecast and monitor ocean currents and drift  
Surface current modeloff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean currents and drift 
Surface currents - near real timeoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean currents and drift 
Surface currents - radialoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean currents and drift 
Surface currents - regional leveloff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean currents and drift 
Surface deformation monitoring (Environment and production related)on-shoreLandTypographyDetect and monitor ground movement
Surface soil moisture (SSM) and soil water index (SWI)on-shoreLandEcosystemsMonitor land cover and detect change
Swelloff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean winds and waves
Terrain roughnesson-shoreLandTopographyBaseline mapping
Transport network and road statuson-shoreBuilt environmentInfrastructureMap and monitor transport networks 
Tree cover densityon-shoreLandForests

Monitor forest resources

Tree heighton-shoreLandForestsMonitor forest resources
Turbidity (qualitative)off-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor pollution at sea
Turbidity (quantitative)off-shoreMarineEcosystemsMonitor pollution at sea
Urban and settlement mapon-shoreBuilt environmentUrban areasMonitor urban areas
UXO hazard and risk mappingon-shoreSecuritySecurityMonitor  sensitive risk areas
Vegetation / forest typeon-shoreLandForestsMonitor forest resources
Vegetation stress and degradationon-shoreLandEcosystemsMonitor land ecosystems and biodiversity
Visibilityoff-shoreAtmosphere & climateMeteorologyForecast weather 
Water body extenton-shoreLandInland water

Assess and monitor water bodies   

Water body nutrients / productivityon-shoreLandInland water

Assess and monitor water bodies   

Water body temperatureon-shoreLandInland waterAssess and monitor water bodies 
Water body volume / bathymetryon-shoreLandInland waterAssess and monitor water bodies 
Wet areason-shoreLandLand coverMonitor land cover and detect change
Wind fields - SAR derivedoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean winds and waves
Winds - open ocean modeloff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean winds and waves
Winds - open ocean swathoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean winds and waves
Wind rosesoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean winds and waves
Wind speed distributionoff-shoreMarineMetoceanForecast and monitor ocean winds and waves

