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The objective of this project is to establish current information needs and best practices for the use of Earth Observation (EO) based products and services within the Baltic and Arctic shipping sector

The project involves key partners and stakeholders from the Maritime and EO sectors. The partners and stakeholders will be involved in interviews, workshops, and user meetings to collect their geoinformation needs for current and future use of satellite EO data. This will allow mapping of requirements from the Arctic and Baltic shipping sector for EO products and services.

During the project current and future EO data, methods and derived information will be under scrutinization to identify technologies that are currently available and suitable, currently available but not utilised and future suitable technologies to fulfil the needs recognized for various shipping business processes in the Arctic and Baltic areas.

Project implementation: The project will be led by Janne Valkonen and Barbara Scarnato (PMs), DNV AS, to ensure redundancy that can be leveraged in critical times (sickness, vacation, etc.). They will coordinate the activities, ensure timely exchange of information between all the parties, organize regular project meetings, and perform the administrative reporting tasks.

Project work packages: The project is split into activities (work packages) with well-defined deliverables, inputs and outputs. The duration of project is 18 months. Below the activities and associated milestones defined by deliverable (D) are described.

within the following business processes:

  1. Ship design,
  2. Ship construction,
  3. Ship certification,
  4. Insurance,
  5. Ship operation
  6. End of life vessel disposal.

Our consortium strives to:

  • Identify the key challenges in the development of Arctic business processes and examine how they can be effectively addressed by the integration of Earth Observation (EO) means,
  • Create a basis for future collaboration among practitioners in the field by providing a best practice road map, once suitable satellite-derived products useful for the Arctic maritime business processes have been identified.


The project involves key partners and stakeholders from the Maritime and EO sectors. The partners and stakeholders will be involved in interviews, workshops, and user meetings to collect their geoinformation needs for current and future use of satellite EO data. This will allow mapping of requirements from the Arctic and Baltic shipping sector for EO products and services.During  During the project current and future EO data, methods and derived information will be under scrutinization to identify technologies that are currently available and suitable, currently available but not utilised utilized and future suitable technologies to fulfil fulfill the needs recognized for various shipping business processes in the Arctic and Baltic areas.


Project work packages: The project is split into activities (work packages) with well-defined deliverables, inputs and outputs. The duration of project is 18 months. Below the activities and associated milestones defined by deliverable (D) are described.

EO4BAS                                                                                                         WP                                  Planned Report     



WP Title: Collection of geoinformation requirements and associated constraints
Company: DNV, Høvik, Norway with the collaboration of CGI and e-Geos, Rome, Italy
WP Manager: Janne Valkonen

Start Event: Project kick-off Meeting (06.03.2023)


Date: Week 6, 2023 (T0)

End Event: Delivery of D.1.2: Geoinformation Requirements

Planned Date: T0+3months

Objective WP 1:  The objective is to identify and consolidate of geoinformation requirements and associated constrains for business processes in Arctic and Baltic shipping. 


•         Project proposal
•         The project management plan as agreed at KO.

•         Carry out desktop review of geoinformation requirements for the proposed activities. This shall include:
•         Descriptions of geoinformation requirements addressing key business processes of the industry sector where geoinformation play a role, considering:
           o    Differences due to the geographic regions and seasonality.
           o    Any requirements generated from generic issues like Health and Safety, Sustainable Development and legal and regulatory issues.

•         Establish a working area on the EARSC portal to facilitate the review of requirements with relevant actors from the concerned industry
•         Participate in a workshop with the industry sector and record/consolidate its outcome, in coordination with ESA and the key stakeholders engaged.


•         D1.1: Workshop 1 Report
•         D1.2: Geoinformation Requirements Report.


WP Title:Definition of current EO capabilities and use
Company: DNV, Høvik, Norway and e-Geos, Rome, Italy with the collaboration of CGI
WP Manager: Scarnato, Barbara DNV

Start Event: (TBD)                                               Planned Date: T0+2months
End Event: (TBD)                                                Planned Date: T0+9months

Objective WP 2: The objective is:

  1. Identify and characterize EO-based products and services suitable for the stakeholder community identified in WP 1.
  2.  To assess the gaps in current EO capabilities meeting the geoinformation requirements and the prospect of these gaps being filled within the next 5 years. Input is the information identified in WP 1. 

•         Project proposal
•         The project management plan as agreed at KO
•         D1.1 and D1.2.

Identify mature EO-based information products responding to the identified geoinformation needs in Task 1. For each of the EO based information products describe:

•    Specific information content.
•    Required EO sensor input.
•    Known availabilities (current and future) and documented accuracies.
•    Limitations and constraints.
•    Case examples of use responding to key stakeholder requirements
•    Descriptions of how the information is currently being used by the industry sector and the value of the information in terms of cost savings and efficiency.
•    Indicative price ranges.
•    Levels of customisation required in generating the product.

o    Perform gap analysis, identifying information requirements which cannot be met, and discuss to which extent this could change over the next 5 years, taking into account new satellite missions, technology developments, possible development of new, adapted data products and changes in data policy.
o    Widen the EARSC forum to include relevant reviewers from the EO service industry and collect feedback through the EARSC portal.
o    Organise workshop in Europe with key players for final consolidation of deliverable D2.1.

•         Identify prototype service(s) to implement in Task 3 based upon the identified mature EO-based products.


•         D2.1: Current EO Capabilities Report
•         D2.2: Gap Analysis Report
•         D3.1: Prototype Service Description (draft)


WP Title: Development of a service mock-up
Company: CGI, Roma, Italy with collaboration of DNV and e-Geos
WP Manager: Alessandro Marin

Start Event:
Planned Date: T0+7months

End Event:
Planned Date: T0+15months

Objective of WP 3: The objective is the development of a service-mock up. Activities will involve:
1. Development of virtual platform functionalities.
2. Engagement of users in the prototype evaluation.
3. Collection of user feedback and implementation of the feedback in an updated service prototype. 

•         Project proposal
•         The project management plan as agreed at KO

D1.1, D2.1, D2.2, D2.3, and D3.1 Tasks:
•         Develop Virtual Platform functionalities
•         Engage users in prototype service evaluation

Collect user feedback and update service prototype Outputs:
•         D3.1: Prototype Service Description (final)
•         D3.2: User Feedback/Lessons Learned Report.


WP Title: Development of a best practice road-map
Company: DNV, Høvik, Norway with the feedback and input from CGI and e-Geos, Rome, Italy
WP Manager: Barbara Scarnato

Start Event:                                                         
Planned Date: T0+15months

End Event:                                                           
Planned Date: T0+18months

Objective of WP 4: The objective of WP 4 is the development of a high-level best practice roadmap for turning the current EO capabilities into an EO good practise guidelines for the shipping industry sectors, including actions, budget, and milestones.
Activities will include the:
1 Development of a high-level road map including a guideline review approach.
2. An approach to guideline training and, communication /dissemination strategy
3. Description of work including tasks, deliverables, milestones, and estimated costs.

•         Project proposal
•         The project management plan as agreed at KO
•         D1.1, D1.2, D2.1, D2.2, D2.3, D3.1, D3.2

Construct a high-level road-map development plan for translating D2.1 into Industry Best Practice Guidelines, including at least the following elements:
•         Guideline review approach
•         Approach to guideline training
•         Communication / dissemination strategy

Description of work including tasks, deliverables, milestones and estimated costs Outputs:
•         D4: Best Practice Roadmap


WP Title: Final Reporting
Company: DNV, Høvik, Norway with the collaboration of CGI and e-Geos, Rome, Italy
WP Manager: Janne Valkonen

Start Event: Project kick-off Meeting (TBD)   
Planned Date: T0 + 15 months

End Event: Project closeout                             
Planned Date: T0 + 18 months

Objective WP5: Prepare final reporting documents for the project on time and at right quality


•         Contract, including Statement of Work (SOW) 
•         Proposal 
•         Minutes from negotiation/kick-off meeting
•         Deliverables in WPs 1, 2, 3 and 4 


•         Preparation of the project brochure
•         Preparation of the project abstract
•         Preparation of the project final presentation
•         Preparation of the project summary report
•         Preparation of the project executive summary report
•         Preparation of the project final report 
•         Quality assurance of all the above reports 


•         Project brochure
•         Project abstract
•         Project final presentation
•         Project summary report
•         Project executive summary report
•         Project final report


WP Title: Project Management
Company: DNV, Høvik, Norway with the collaboration of CGI and e-Geos, Rome, Italy
WP Manager: Janne Valkonen

Start Event: Project kick-off Meeting (Tbc)
Planned Date: T0

End Event: Project closeout
Planned Date: T0 + 18 months

Objective WP6: Ensure the smooth running of the project and such that all deliverables are available on time and at right quality


•         Contract, including Statement of Work (SOW) 
•         Proposal 
•         Minutes from negotiation/kick-off meeting 


•         Provide the overall management of the entire contract 
•         Preparation, implementation and updating of project management. Updating plans for execution and control of the project including definition of tasks, deliverables, budgets and schedules for each part of the project and the members of the project team.  
•         To establish formal agreement and contracts partners 
•         Monitor the performance of personnel and other resources allocated to the project and take corrective actions as needed 
•         Evaluate effects of project changes, including impact on deliverables, schedule and budget, and reach contractual agreement with customer on these impacts 
•         Cost control and timely invoicing of every chargeable item, accuracy of project accounts and follow-up of accounts receivable 
•         Internal communications and co-ordination to ensure communication between tasks 
•         Preparation of progress reports 
•         Preparation, attendance, and secretary at kick-off, progress and review meetings 


•         Progress Reports (monthly) 
•         Minutes of Meetings 
•         Project Web Page
•         Planning Bar Chart (Project Plan)