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During the environmental assessment and permitting phase, meteorological data will be required. Seasonal weather predictions (dry season/wet season), temperature, humidity and rainfall are of particular importance as these are risk factors with respect to overtopping water level within proposed structures and associated structural stability, water emissions and receiving environments.

Weather is also a factor when assessing the living conditions for employees and residents in the event of a proposed mining camp.  For example; will precautions need to be taken for extreme heat, cold, rainfall or any other extreme weather event.

From a permitting perspective it is not just weather that needs to be considered but it is also climate and in particular the possible changes in climate.  A mine developer needs to understand how these changes in climate might have an impact over the operational life of the mine - particularly for large deposit, long life mines.  Although this is probably of more relevance during the aftercare period of the mine.  The developer will need to be able to demonstrate that the life of the mine and the proposed closure plan both take climate change into consideration.

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